Affirmative Action Policy; Revisions to EM 84-010; Revised by EM 01-013
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Revision to EM 84-010, Affirmative Action Policy; Revised by EM 01-013.
Upon recommendation of the Faculty Senate and after consultation with the Director of Affirmative Action, I am pleased to approve the following emendations to Executive Memorandum 84-10.
University Level Affirmative Action Committee
Upon the recommendation of the Faculty Senate, the University Level Affirmative Action Committee is constituted.
- The charge to the University Level Affirmative Action Committee is to review university policies and practices concerning faculty and administrative recruitment, appointments, promotions, transfers and training to make recommendations to assure compliance with Affirmative Action Program requirements.
- The Chair or designee of the Affirmative Action Committee will review each Dean Selection and Review Committee’s procedures and recommendations for appointing a Dean of the College before the submissions of its recommendations to the President.
To review college, department, and unit Affirmative Action Programs and report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Faculty Senate.
To review, improve, and strengthen the university’s Affirmative Action Program and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate accordingly.
To assess affirmative action progress and future plans.
1. The Committee shall meet annually with representatives of the central administration including the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA), the University Development Officer, the Dean of the Graduate School, the head of the Affirmative Action Professional Development Program, and other appropriate representatives.
2. The Committee shall receive from the President of the University on or before March 1 an annual report which contains a categorization of new hires and current faculty by sex, minority status, and rank within each department for the current year and the previous five years.
- To settle disputes arising from affirmative action aspects of hiring decisions at other levels. These may be appealed to the Affirmative Action Committee. A Review Committee will be established and function according to the following guidelines.
1. Composition of the Review Committee: All members of the Affirmative Action Committee, except for those representing the College where the dispute originates, shall be eligible to serve on the Review Committee. The Chair, or Vice-Chair in the Chair’s absence, of the Affirmative Action Committee shall appoint three members to serve on the Review Committee. The Committee will consist of a chair, secretary, and sergeant-at-arms.
2. Within three working days of being notified of a dispute in the hiring process, the Review Committee will be formed, review the relevant documents, and make a recommendation.
3. If a recommendation cannot be made because of insufficient data, an additional five working days will be granted and a hearing will be held. All concerned parties will be present to make statements and answer questions posed by the Committee. The Committee will have the power to decide who the concerned parties are.
4. The hearing will be closed and confidentiality strictly observed.
5. Minutes of the hearing will be recorded.
6. The Committee will make its written recommendation to the VPAA within two working days after the hearing.
7. Within five working days the VPAA will provide a written response to the Committee delineating his decision and the underlying rationale.
The Affirmative Action Committee is a permanent committee as authorized by Article VI Section 2 of the Faculty Senate Constitution.
The Affirmative Action Committee reports to the Faculty Policies Committee of the Faculty Senate.
One tenured representative from each College Affirmative Action Committee, Information Resources, and Student Affairs; each college will notify the Faculty Senate of who its representative is by the end of spring semester.
Two-year terms, overlapping.
One representative appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
Staff to the Committee – the University Affirmative Action Officer.
Chair, Vice Chair, and secretary to be elected by the committee.
First Meeting: The Faculty Senate representatives will call the first meeting in September.