90-001 | January 02, 1990 |
Approval for BA in Journalism
90-002 | January 02, 1990 |
Approval for MS in Psychology
90-003 | February 23, 1990 |
Policy for Use of University Facilities; Superceded by EM 97-020
90-004 | February 27, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to BA in Philosophy
90-005 | February 27, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Minor in Philosophy
90-006 | February 27, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to BA in History
90-007 | March 06, 1990 |
1990-1991 Writing Proficiency Courses
90-008 | March 5, 1990 |
Approval of Ethnics and Social Policy Theme
90-009 | March 5, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Management Option
90-010 | March 5, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Human Resource Management Option
90-011 | March 5, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Business Policy Option
90-012 | March 5, 1990 |
GE Requirement for Biology Majors
90-013 | March 06, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Minor in Management Information Systems
90-014 | March 19, 1990 |
Approval for Renaming the Option in Business Policy to the Option in Strategic Management
90-015 | March 29, 1990 |
Deletion of MA in Sociology
90-016 | March, 1990 |
1991-92 and 1992-93 Academic Calendars
90-017 | May 1, 1990 |
Approval for Revised Special Major Program; Supercedes EA 80
This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by
EM 24-024 |
90-018 | May 10, 1990 |
Approval for Revision to the Option in Parks and Natural Resource Management
90-019 | May 18, 1990 |
Minimum Grade in General Education Mathematics
90-020 | March 21, 1990 |
University's Racial Harassment Policy; Superceded by EM 91-014
90-021 | May 21, 1990 |
Name Changes in Options and Minors
90-022 | May 24, 1990 |
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement; Revised by EM 99-003
90-023 | May 24, 1990 |
Revision of Subject Matter Competence Certification and Teaching Potential Recommendation for Professional Teacher Preparation Program (PTPP) Applicants
90-024 | June 04, 1990 |
Approval for Certificate in Electronic Printing and Publishing
90-025 | June 04, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Liberal Studies Major
90-026 | June 04, 1990 |
Approval of Revision to Option in Visual Communication
90-027 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval for Revision to the BS in Microbiology
90-028 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Minor in Biological Sciences
90-029 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BS in Biological Sciences
90-030 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BS in Chemistry
90-031 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval for Revision to the Minor in Chemistry
90-032 | June 28, 1990 |
Instructional Computing Faculty Group (ICFG); Revision to EM 86-003; Rescinded by EM 90-078
90-033 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval of Waiver for Biochemistry Students
90-034 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval of Revision to BA in Psychology
90-035 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Certificate in Museology
90-036 | June 11, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to BS and Minor in Physics
90-037 | June 11, 1990 |
199 and 299 Standard Numbering for Independent Study Courses, Superceded by EM 03-021
90-038 | June 18, 1990 |
Emendation to Campus Policy on Alcoholic Beverages; Superceded by EM 99-011
90-039 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BS in Health Science
90-040 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Option in Housing and Interior Design
90-041 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BA in Social Work
90-042 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Option in Health Care Management
90-043 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BA in Sociology
90-044 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Minor in Health Care Management
90-045 | June 22, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Option in Clothing and Textiles
90-046 | June 22, 1990 |
Revisions to EM 90-16, 1991-92 and 1992-93 Academic Calendars
90-047 | June 28, 1990 |
Approval for Name Change from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics to the College of Agriculture and Human Environmental Sciences
90-048 | June 28, 1900 |
Approval for Consolidation of Options in Agronomy and Horticulture Into an Option in Crop Science
90-049 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Option in Information and Communication Systems
90-050 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Option in Media Arts
90-051 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to the BA with a Major in Information and Communication Studies
90-052 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to the BS with a Major in Dietetics and Food Administration
90-053 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval for Name Change from the School of Home Economics to the School of Human Environmental Sciences
90-054 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to the BS with a Major in Industrial Technology
90-055 | August 14, 1990 |
Changes to EM 90-055, BS with a Major in Computer Engineering
90-056 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Option in Speech Communications
90-057 | July 17, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to Option in Organizational Communication
90-058 | July 17, 1990 |
University Policy on Pioneer Days-like Events
90-059 | August 15, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the History Subject Matter Preparation Program
90-060 | August 15, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BA with a Major in Latin American Studies and to the Minors in Canadian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, and Latin American Studies
90-061 | August 16, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Minor in Chicano Studies
90-062 | August 23, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Black Studies Minor
90-063 | August 27, 1990 |
Approval for Special Education Specialist (Internship-Learning Handicapped) Program
90-064 | August 28, 1990 |
Approval for Minor in Fashion
90-065 | August 28, 1990 |
Approval for Minor in Foodservice Administration
90-066 | September 5, 1990 |
Approval of Revisions to the Option in Management Information Systems
90-067 | September 10, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BA with a Major in Speech Pathology and Audiology
90-068 | September 14, 1990 |
Approval for Minor in Dance
90-069 | September 19, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to Statistics and Applied Mathematics Option and the Credential Pattern in the BS with a Major in Mathematics
90-070 | September 24, 1990 |
Approval for Revision to the Earth Science Option in the BS with a Major in Physical Science
90-071 | October 1, 1990 |
Policy for the Disposition of Ceremonial Artifacts, Human Remains and Burial Goods
This Executive Memorandum has been decommissioned with
EM 23-020 |
90-072 | October 1, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Baccalaureate with a Major in Art
92-073 | October 1, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Minor in Art History
90-074 | October 18, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Community Commercial Recreation Option
90-075 | October 18, 1990 |
Approval for Addition to Liberation Studies Concentration Selections
90-076 | October 18, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the BA with a Major in Humanities and to the Minor in Humanities
90-077 | October 18, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Minor in Woman’s Studies
90-078 | October 23, 1990 |
Instructional Computing Faculty Group; Recision of Original Charter
90-079 | November 1, 1990 |
Approval for Language Development Specialist Certificate
90-080 | November 5, 1990 |
Approval for Revisions to the Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Major in Art
90-081 | November 16, 1990 |
Approval for History Track Within Social Science Subject Matter Preparation Program
90-082 | December 7, 1990 |
Approval for Option in Resort and Lodging Management
90-083 | December 7, 1990 |
Affirmative Action Policy; Revisions to EM 84-010; Revised by EM 01-013
90-084 | December 10, 1990 |
University Goals Statement