1991-1993 Writing Proficiency Courses
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: 1991 – 1993 Writing Proficiency Courses
The attached list of 1991 – 1993 writing proficiency (WP) courses is effective for the two-year period between August 20, 1991 and August 24, 1993.
WP courses are required upper-division courses in the content of the discipline in which students demonstrate their ability to write as professionals in the major. To graduate, students must earn a C- or better in a WP course in their major.
Enrollment in WP courses is restricted to students who have passed the Writing Effectiveness Screening Test (WEST). Instructors should confirm WEST compliance before adding students to a WP course and should include the following note on each WP course syllabus:
This is a writing proficiency (WP) course, open only to students who have passed the Writing Effectiveness Screening Test (WEST).