92-001 | January 21, 1992 |
Approval for Option in Environmental Science
92-002 | February 14, 1992 |
1993-94 and 1994-95 Academic Calendars
92-003 | February 21, 1992 |
Deletion of Corrections Pattern
92-004 | March 11, 1992 |
Establishment of a Committee on Facilities Utilization
92-005 | March 16, 1992 |
Change of Subject Designation Abbreviation from HE (Home Economics) to HESC (Human Environmental Sciences)
92-006 | April 15, 1992 |
Code of Students' Rights and Responsibilities; Replaces EM 83-003; Revised by EM 96-038
92-007 | April 15, 1992 |
Department of Theatre Arts
92-008 | April 15, 1992 |
Department of Geosciences
92-009 | April 15, 1992 |
Approval for Minor in Creative Writing
92-010 | April 15, 1992 |
The Carroll A. Curtis Laboratory
92-011 | May 05, 1992 |
Revisions to Student Grievance Procedures; Supersedes EM 89-018; Superseded by EM 94-022
92-012 | May 05, 1992 |
Revision to EM 91-012, Policy on Sexual Harassment; Superseded by EM 99-020
92-013 | May 05, 1992 |
Revisions to Grading Policy; Supercedes EM 91-009
92-014 | September 08, 1992 |
Revisions to Repeat Policy; Supercedes EM 91-008; Superceded by EM 95-027
92-015 | April 29, 1992 |
Approval for Revisions to the BS in Electrical/Electronic Engineering
92-016 | May 05, 1992 |
Educational Equity Policy Statement
92-017 | May 14, 1992 |
Transfer of Athletics
92-018 | June 06, 1992 |
General Education Program; Supercedes EM 91-005; Superceded by 99-005
92-019 | May 20, 1992 |
Administrative Officer Selection and Review Policies and Procedures; Revision to EM 81-007 and EM 81-010
92-020 | May 26, 1992 |
Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems
92-021 | May 26, 1992 |
Approval for Merging the Colleges of Communication and Education
92-022 | May 26, 1992 |
Approval for Minor in Communication
92-023 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Social Work
92-024 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to Breadth Pattern within the BA in Social Science
92-025 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Humanities
92-026 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Liberal Studies
92-027 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Theatre Arts
92-028 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Music
92-029 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the Option in Speech Communication
92-030 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Religious Studies
92-031 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BS in Recreation Administration
92-032 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Political Science
92-033 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BS in Dietetics and Food Administration
92-034 | June 22, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Public Administration
92-035 | July 14, 1992 |
Revisions to the BS in Mathematics
92-036 | July 21, 1992 |
Revisions to the Minor in Music
92-037 | July 21, 1992 |
Revisions to the Minor in Recording Arts
92-038 | August 28, 1992 |
Approval for Termination of the Options in Electronics and Computer Technology and in Polymer (Plastics) Technology, BA in Industrial Arts, Industrial Arts Subject Matter Preparation Program, and the Minor in Industrial Arts
92-039 | August 28, 1992 |
Approval for Transfer of the BS in Industrial Technology with the Option in Manufacturing Management to the Department of Mechanical Engineering
92-040 | August 28, 1992 |
Approval for Transfer of the BS in Dietetics and Food Administration, MS in Nutritional Science, and Minors in Food Service Administration and Nutrition to the Department of Biological Sciences
92-041 | August 27, 1992 |
Approval for Merging the Departments of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
92-042 | August 28, 1992 |
Approval to Transfer the Department of Industrial Technology to the Department of Mechanical Engineering
92-043 | September 04, 1992 |
Interim Policy Regarding Faculty Profits on Course Materials
This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by
EM 20-014 |
92-044 | September 09, 1992 |
Revisions to the Option in Exercise Physiology in the BA in Physical Education
92-045 | October 07, 1992 |
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
92-046 | October 16, 1992 |
Revisions to Social Science Single Subject Matter Preparation Program
92-047 | May 20, 1992 |
Revised Organization of the College of Communication and Education
92-048 | October 07, 1992 |
Revisions to BS in Agriculture
92-049 | October 07, 1992 |
Revisions to BS in Industrial Technology
92-050 | October 07, 1992 |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
92-051 | October 23, 1992 |
Revisions to the BA in Child Development
92-052 | November 10, 1992 |
Revisions to the BS in Health Science
92-053 | November 10, 1992 |
Approval for Bachelor of Science with a Major in Instructional Technology
92-054 | November 10, 1992 |
Revisions to the BS in Industrial Technology
92-055 | November 16, 1992 |
Approval of Option in Interior Design within the BFA in Art