University Policy on Health and Safety Training Sessions
From: Manuel A. Esteban, President
Subject: University Policy on Health and Safety Training Sessions
The Office of Environmental Management, Health and Safety (EMHS) holds regular training sessions on a variety of health and safety topics. These training sessions accomplish several purposes. They:
- Comply with various federal and state environmental, health, and safety laws which dictate mandatory training
- Provide information and awareness that will decrease injuries, illnesses, and worker's compensation costs
- Avoid expenses the campus might incur, such as fines for violation of laws
- Create an awareness of safety issues and programs on campus
- Improve the employee's work environment and thereby improve employee morale
- Provide supervisors with the training, skills, knowledge, and material to provide needed safety measures for their employees. This can create a better working relationship between the employees and their supervisors
- Create an awareness of the role of EMHS on campus
- Provide an avenue for employee feedback on safety issues. During training sessions, the EMHS office often becomes aware of otherwise unknown safety hazards on campus.
Unfortunately, some employees have not attended training mandated by law either because of workload demands, employee indifference, or resistance by supervisors. Therefore, we must create a campuswide awareness of the importance of these sessions.
In order to continue to provide university employees with a safe and healthy work environment, it shall be the policy of California State University, Chico to require attendance by faculty and staff at certain campus health and safety training sessions. EMHS shall facilitate these sessions. EMHS shall determine, based on job classification and duties, which employees must attend the various sessions and which training sessions are mandatory. This decision shall be based on applicable federal and state health and safety laws, campus injury statistics, and injury and illness prevention program mandates.
EMHS shall provide written notification of required attendance to the appropriate employees and their supervisors as early as possible but at least two weeks prior to the training date. The sessions shall be held during the employee's regularly scheduled work hours. It is the responsibility of the employee's supervisor to adjust the employee's workload so that attendance shall not cause an undue hardship on the employee. If an employee cannot attend due to illness or absence, the supervisor shall notify the EMHS office so that an alternative time can be established to train the employee.
The Injury and Illness Prevention Program, as defined by the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3203, requires general safety training for all new employees. These regulations are enforced by Cal-OSHA. The following additional training sessions are required by law for certain job classifications, as determined by EMHS, upon initial job assignment and annually thereafter:
- Asbestos Awareness
- Bloodstone Pathogens
- Confined Space Entry
- Hazardous Materials Management
- Hearing Conservation Program
- Lockout/Tagout
- Medical Waste Management
- Respirator Use
- Supervisor Safety Training
Failure to provide this training could result in fines. Other health and safety courses are not mandatory, but attendance is highly encouraged.