95-001 | January 25, 1995 |
Policy on Photocopying Charges
95-002 | March 08, 1995 |
University Policy on Unknown Chemicals
95-003 | March 08, 1995 |
University Policy on Health and Safety Training Sessions
95-004 | April 05, 1995 |
Revisions to EM 87-004, Policy Creating a University Budget Committee; Superceded by EM 05-017
95-005 | April 10, 1995 |
Approval for Name Change from BA with a Major in Information and Communication Studies to BA with a Major in Communication Design
95-006 | April 12, 1995 |
Revisions to Policy on Faculty Recognition and Support Committee; Superseded by EM 99-013
95-007 | May 24, 1995 |
Revisions to EM 87-006, Policy and Procedure to Establish Honorary Names to Properties, Programs and Facilities; Superceded by EM 08-026
95-008 | June 02, 1995 |
Literacy and Learning Program
95-009 | June 02, 1995 |
Revision to the MS in Nutritional Sciences
95-010 | July 10, 1995 |
Administrative Personnel Policies and Procedures; Superseded by EM 03-010
95-010 Revised | September 15, 1995 |
Administrative Personnel Policies and Procedures; Superceded by EM 03-010
95-011 | June 19, 1995 |
Revisions to Certificate Programs; Supercedes EM 78-011; Superceded by 02-010
95-012 | August 04, 1995 |
Option in Curriculum and Instruction
95-013 | August 04, 1995 |
Option in Teacher Education in the BA in Physical Education
95-014 | August 04, 1995 |
Option in Reading/Language Arts
95-015 | August 04, 1995 |
Campus Card Project
95-016 | August 16, 1995 |
Approval for Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Communication Studies
95-017 | August 17, 1995 |
Approval for Option in Interior Design in the BA in Art
95-018 | September 15, 1995 |
Vision Statement
95-019 | September 28, 1995 |
Revision to EM 94-003, Academic Calendars for 1995-96 and 1996-97
95-020 | October 09, 1995 |
Interim Policy on Conflict of Interest in Grants and Contracts
95-021 | October 09, 1995; Decommissioned April 1, 2019 |
University Foundation Short-Term Loan Program; Decommissioned
95-022 | October 27, 1995 |
Nondiscrimination Policy and Procedures; Superseded by EM 12-043
95-023 (Rescinded) | December 14, 1995; Rescinded January 6, 2012 |
Policy on Performance Salary Step Increases
95-024 | December 18, 1995 |
Policy on Appointment to an Endowed Chair
95-025 | December 19, 1995 |
Structure of the University Advisory Board; Superceded by EM 03-001
95-026 | December 19, 1995 |
Policy on Auxiliary Formation and Management
95-027 | December 19, 1995 |
Revisions to Repeat Policy; Supercedes EM 92-014; Superceded by EM 05-004