Office of the President

Add and Drop Procedures; Supercedes EM 96-052; Originally issued January 15, 1998

Executive Memorandum 98-006 Revised July 31, 1998

From: Manuel A. Esteban, President

Subject: Add and Drop Procedures; Supercedes EM 96-052; Originally issued January 15, 1998


The revision to EM 98-006, originally issued on January 15, 1998, is the addition of the exception paragraph following item number one.

Students may add or drop courses or change grade option without restriction or penalty and without instructor approval during the first two weeks of instruction using the telephone registration system or, where necessary, by submitting a change of program form. In classes requiring permission of instructor to register, a change of program form to add the class bearing the instructor's signature of approval must be submitted to the Student Records and Registration Office.

  • Exception: During the first two weeks, and throughout the semester, students enrolled in remedial mathematics and English courses may not drop those courses or change sections without the written permission of the department chair or the chair's designee.

During the third and fourth weeks of classes, petitions to add, drop, or change grade option will require the approval signature of the instructor.

After the census date, all petitions to add, drop, or change grade option will require a serious and compelling reason and will require approval signatures of the instructor, department chair, and dean.

During the final three weeks of the semester, no withdrawals are to be permitted except for circumstances clearly beyond the student's control (such as accident or serious illness) and when the assignment of an Incomplete is not practicable.