Approval of General Education Courses - Area B
From: Manuel A. Esteban, President
Subject: Approval of General Education Courses - Area B
Following review by the General Studies Advisory Committee and the recommendation of the Provost, I approve General Education (GE) status for the following courses:
B1 The Physical Universe
- CHEM 004 (NEW)
- CHEM 027
- CHEM 037
- GEOS 001
- GEOS 002
- GEOS 005
- GEOS 030
- PHYS 001
- PHYS 002A
- PHYS 004A
Note: PHYS 002B and PHYS 004B,C currently have GE status, but since the first course in each sequence is a prerequisite to the subsequent courses, it suffices to designate only the first course as the GE course.
B2 Life Forms
- ANSC 002
- ANTH 011
- BIOL 001
- BIOL 003
- BIOL 004
- BIOL 008/008H
- PSSC 002
GE status for the B1 and B2 courses listed will be effective fall 1999 and continue through the next normal review cycle.