Approval of General Education and Cultural Diversity Courses - Area C
From: Manuel A. Esteban, President
Subject: Approval of General Education and Cultural Diversity Courses - Area C
Following review by the General Education Advisory Committee and the recommendation of the Provost, I approve General Education (GE) and Cultural Diversity status as noted for the courses below. Status noted will be effective fall 2000 and continue through the next scheduled review.
GE Area C1 - The Arts
ART 001A - Art History Survey
ART 001B - Art History Survey
ART 002A - Far Eastern Art Survey - NW
ART 002B - Survey of Arts of Amer/Oceania/Afr - NW
ART 004 - Art Appreciation
HNRS 149D - Honors Seminar
CSCI 040 - Computer Assisted Art
MUS 045 - Intro to the World of Music - NW
MUS 053A - Fundamentals of Music: Piano
MUS 053B - Fundamentals of Music: Voice
MUS 053C - Fundamentals of Music: Guitar
MUS 191 - American Music
MUS/AFAM 196 - African American Music - Eth
PHED 152 - Intro to Dance
THEA 020 - Literature in Performance
THEA 060 - Acting
THEA - 060H - Acting: Honors
THEA 061 - Introduction to the Theatre
GE Area C2 - Languages and Literature
ENGL/AIST 058 - American Indian Literature - Eth
ENGL/AMST 170 - Amer Ethnic/Regional Writers - Eth
EFL 017 - English as a Foreign Language
ENGL 020 - Beginning Creative Writing
ENGL 052 - World Literature - NW
ENGL 055 - Medieval Mind
ENGL 070 - Introduction to Literature
ENGL 154 - Classical Literature
ENGL 185 - Great Books
FREN 001 - First Semester French
FREN 002 - Second Semester French
FREN 003 - Third Semester French
FREN 004 - Fourth Semester French
GERM 001 - First Semester German
GERM 002 - Second Semester German
GERM 003 - Third Semester German
GERM 004 - Fourth Semester German
HNRS 149E - Honors Seminar
ITAL 001 - First Semester Italian
ITAL 002 - Second Semester Italian
ITAL 003 - Third Semester Italian
ITAL 004 - Fourth Semester Italian
JAPN 001 - First Semester Japanese
JAPN 002 - Second Semester Japanese
JAPN 003 - Third Semester Japanese
JAPN 004 - Fourth Semester Japanese
LATN 001 - Intro Latin Language and Culture (NEW)
SPPA 040 - Language and Culture of Deaf Americans (NEW)
SPAN 001 - First Semester Spanish
SPAN 002 - Second Semester Spanish
SPAN 003 - Third Semester Spanish
SPAN 004 - Fourth Semester Spanish
SPAN 004S - Spanish for Spanish Speakers
GE Area C3 - Philosophies, Ideas, and Major Figures
HIST 012 - Intro to Classic Civilization
HIST 162/RS 111/MEST 162 - Islamic Religion - NW
HNRS 149F - Honors Seminar
ITAL 160 - Italian Renaissance and Its Influence on Civ.
MUS 192 - Major Musical Figures in Western Civ.
PHIL 003 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 003H - Introduction to Philosophy: Honors
PHIL 007 - Personal Values
PHIL 013 - Human Existence (NEW)
PHIL 100A - History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 102 - Philosophy: East and West - NW
PHIL 117 - Reason and Religion
PHIL 122 - Existentialism (NEW)
PHIL/MJIS 135 - Philosophy of Judaism
RS 005 - Religions of Asian Civilizations - NW
RS 006 - Religions of Western Civilizations
RS 010 - Introduction to Religious Studies
RS 020 - The Bible
RS/MJIS 130 - Judaism - Eth
RS 132 - Christianity
RS 164 - Buddhism - NW
RS 165 - Hinduism - NW
Ethnic Only (Not GE Unless Otherwise Noted)
ENGL/AFAM 053 - African American Literature - Eth
ENGL/AAST 059 - Asian American Literature - Eth
RS/AAST 187 - Asian/Amer/Pac Island Religions - Eth
RS/AIST 188 - Worldviews of American Indians - Eth
ART 247 - American Indian Art - Eth
HIST/CHST 137 - Mexican Heritage in the US Pre-1848 (NEW) - Eth
SPAN/CHST 140 - Chicano Literature - Eth
RS/MCGS 185 - Religion and Amer Ethnic Minorities (Also has GE status in Upper Division Theme A) - Eth
Non-Western Only (Not GE Unless Otherwise Noted)
ART 242A - Pre-Columbian Mexican Art - NW
HIST 180A - Colonial Latin America (NEW) - NW
MUS 162 - Music From a Global Perspective - NW
RS 160 - Religions of the Pacific Rim (Also has GE status in Upper Division Theme K)
Note: The courses listed below will no longer have GE and/or Cultural Diversity Status unless otherwise noted, effective Fall 2000.
MUS 053D - Fundamentals of Music: Recorder - Was Area C1
MUS 053E - Fund Music/Band and Orchestral: Instrument - Was Area C1
MUS 195 - Intro to Non-Western Music - Was Area C1 and NW
EFL 117 - English as a Foreign Language - Was Area C2
SPAN 003S - Spanish for Spanish Speakers - Was Area C2
FLNG 100 - Lit Masterpieces in Translation - Was Area C2
HUM 001 - Introduction to Humanities - Was Area C3
PHIL 100B - History of Modern Philosophy - Was Area C3
PHIL 100C - History 19th/20th Century Phil - Was Area C3
PHIL 114 - Social/Political Philosophy - Was Area C3
ART 244 - Chinese and Japanese Art - Was NW Only
ART 248 - African Art - Was NW Only
MUS 182 - Case Studies in Global Music - Was NW (Course retains GE status in Upper Division Theme R)
PHIL 004B - Philosophy and Third World Societies - Was NW Only
RS 161 - Japanese Religions - Was NW Only
RS 162 - Chinese Religions - Was NW Only
SPAN 150 - Latin American Culture/Civilizations - Was NW Only