Office of the President

Safety Policy and Programs

Executive Memorandum 00-024 May 01, 2000

From: Manuel A. Esteban, President

Subject: Safety Policy and Programs



The Board of Trustees conducted an extensive health and safety audit (97-11) of CSU, Chico's safety programs. The purpose of the audit was to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations and to reduce accidents and claims associated with safety-related incidents. As a follow up to the audit, the Chancellor has issued Executive Order 715, which addresses emergency information, hazardous materials, risk management guidelines for field trips and international travel and for electrical safety. Executive Order 715 states that each campus shall develop a policy to address these areas and implement procedures specific to each of the five areas of concern.


  • The Vice President for Business and Finance shall develop procedures to ensure that emergency information is communicated and disseminated to the campus.
  • Environmental Management, Health and Safety (EMHS) shall develop a procedure to address hazardous materials handling, storage, disposal, and training.
  • The Risk Manager shall develop safety procedures for off-campus activities and local and out-of-state field trips.
  • The Risk Manager shall develop procedures for international travel, which includes conducting an orientation meeting.
  • EMHS shall develop electrical safety procedures.

The procedures that are developed in response to Executive Order 715 shall reference this Executive Memorandum and shall serve as official University policy. The departments referenced above are responsible for developing and implementing each new procedure. These procedures will be reviewed annually and updated when appropriate.