Library Advisory Committee; Decommissioned
From: Paul J. Zingg
Subject: Library Advisory Committee
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Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate, I approve the following EM for immediate implementation.
1. To request, receive, and evaluate suggestions, comments, and information from faculty, students, and staff concerning the use of the Library in the pursuit of the academic mission of the University.
2. To evaluate proposed and existing policy, procedures, and services concerning the role of the Library in the pursuit of the academic mission of the University.
3. To meet regularly with college and department faculty library liaisons to discuss matters of academic concern related to existing and future library policies, procedures, services, and goals.
4. To review the impact of new curricular proposals on the library at the request of the Educational Policies and Programs Committee.
5. To report at least annually, or as needed, and to make recommendations when deemed necessary, to the Educational Policies and Programs Committee regarding matters of the library that are of academic concern.
1. The Committee membership will be as follows:
a. The Director of the Library is a permanent non-voting member. The Director may select a designee to serve in this capacity.
b. One librarian appointed by the Library Faculty, will serve a two-year term. Two academic senators, appointed by the Academic Senate, will serve staggered two-year terms.
c. One staff member, appointed by Staff Council, will serve a one-year term. Renewable.
d. One undergraduate student, appointed by the Associated Students, will serve a one-year term. Renewable.
e. One graduate student, appointed by the Dean of Graduate Education, will serve a one-year term. Renewable.
f. Seven college book chairs, appointed by their respective deans, will serve while serving as college book chairs. In the event that a college is added or disappears, the number of representatives will change accordingly.
2. The chair of the Committee shall be elected to a one-year term from the committee's membership and shall be an academic senator. The duties of the chair shall be
a. To convene the committee;
b. To set agenda, in consultation with the Director of the Library;
c. To preside over committee meetings;
d. To invite other members of the university community to committee meetings for presentations or discussions;
e. To report to the Educational Policies and Programs Committee.