Office of the President

Approval of General Education and Cultural Diversity Courses - Area E

Executive Memorandum 02-035 May 15, 2002

From: Manuel A. Esteban, President

Subject: Approval of General Education and Cultural Diversity Courses - Area E


Following review by the General Education Advisory Committee and the recommendation of the Provost, I approve General Education (GE) and Cultural Diversity status as noted for the courses below. Status noted will be effective fall 2002 and continue through the next scheduled review unless otherwise noted.

GE Area E - Lifelong Learning

CD 052 - Child Development

CD 055 - Marriage and Family Relationships

HCSV 010 - Personal Health

HCSV 111 - Human Sexuality

PSY 001A - Principles of Psychology

PHED 179 - Physical Activity: A Way of Life*

*Experimental Status - Must be reviewed again after two offerings

RECR 080 - Leisure and Life

RS 147 - Dying, Death, and Afterlife: The Last Passage

SOCI 033 - Sociology of Sexuality

SOCI 132 - Modern Families

SWRK 102 - Human Behavior Across the Lifespan

UNIV 001C - Introduction to University Life

NFSC 025/025H - Basic Nutrition/Basic Nutrition-Honors

Cultural Diversity Course Reviewed with Area E

Ethnic Status Only

SWRK100 - Multicultural Awareness for Human Services*

*Note: Conditional Approval through Spring 2003

NOTE: Effective Fall 2002, the course listed below will no longer have GE status

PSY 001H - Principles of Psychology-Honors