Enrollment Management Advisory Committee; Superceded by EM 02-109
From: Manuel A. Esteban, President
Subject: Enrollment Management Advisory Committee; Superceded by EM 02-109
On the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of Provost McNall, I establish the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. The Senate has recommended creation of this committee pursuant to the provisions of The Constitution of The Academic Senate, Article VI, Section 2. This Enrollment Management Committee shall report to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, which will advise the Provost.
Charge of Committee
The charge of the Enrollment Management Committee is to meet regularly to participate fully in the development of policy, procedures, standards, and criteria relative to all facets of enrollment management, including but not limited to student recruitment, admissions policy, orientation and advising, data analysis, financial aid and housing policies, persistence and retention programming, campus community development, student/faculty connections, and student degree completion.
The Enrollment Management Committee shall include the following:
Seven full-time faculty members, one faculty member chosen from each college for three-year staggered terms, nominated/recommended by college deans and selected by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall make appointments to fill vacant positions in May of each year.
- Associated Student Body President or representative
- One Statewide Academic Senator
- An academic dean, chosen from the Dean’s Council
- Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
- Director of Admissions
- Chair of the Staff Council
The chair of the committee shall be chosen each year at the last meeting in May from the full-time faculty members on the Committee. The chair position shall be for one year, unless re-elected, from June 1 to May 31. The Executive Committee shall select the initial chair of the committee.
To monitor and make recommendations on enrollment target decisions during the decision-making process in accordance with the calendar of the university enrollment processes.
To recommend changes in enrollment practices necessary to support student academic goals and achieve the short- and long-term goals of the academic programs.
To provide and publish agenda and minutes of meetings on a regular basis and to provide analysis, evidentiary support, and recommendations on enrollment-related matters as needed to the campus community.
To the extent consistent with campus autonomy and campus self-governance, monitor implementation of CSU Enrollment Management Policy (CSU AS-2482-00/AA - January 20-21, 2000. Available upon request. )
The first committee meeting of each academic year will be called by the chair of the Educational Policies and Programs Committee during September.
The first meeting will be an orientation session with the Vice Provost of Enrollment Management, who will provide the committee with timely information concerning present enrollments and prediction on enrollments for the remainder of the academic year and likely enrollments for the following academic year.
Committee recommendations will be reported directly to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate.
The committee shall present a report to the Academic Senate each spring.