University Publications; Supercedes EM 75-012
From: Manuel A. Esteban, President
Subject: University Publications; Supercedes EM 75-012
Since 1995, the university publications editor, in the Office of Public Affairs and Publications, has provided editorial support for campus publications from all areas of the university. The publications editor copyedits publications for grammar, spelling, and consistency with university conventions and publication guidelines, as described in the Publication Guide for California State University, Chico.
To assist campus offices in producing the highest quality publications possible, all university publications intended for off-campus audiences or wide distribution on campus will be reviewed by the publications editor prior to publication. This policy applies to printed publications, including all program brochures, program/department newsletters, recruitment materials, and new program Web pages. It does not apply to professional papers, manuscripts, or correspondence written by individual faculty and staff, nor to official accreditation reports and routine administrative documents.
University Printing Services will continue to require publications editor approval on Charge Authorization Forms for all publications intended for off-campus audiences before it will begin printing.
In addition, any university publication that has academic program or course information must also be reviewed by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs before it can be released for printing. College and department web page developers are encouraged to link directly to the program descriptions in the current online University Catalog. The Academic Advising Services office also provides departments with official academic planning guides, which can be enhanced and are available without charge.
All publications relating to development issues must be approved by the Senior Associate Vice President for Advancement.
These policies and procedures are designed to support the university's effort to produce high-quality publications, reduce unnecessary duplication of effort, and avoid the confusion that results from multiple published versions of university information.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the Public Affairs and Publications Office at 898-4143 or to the publications editor at 898-4139.