Smoking Policy; Supercedes EM 88-007; Decommissioned
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Smoking Policy; Supercedes EM 88-007
Executive Order 1108, Systemwide Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment(opens in new window), issued by the California State University on April 7, 2017, supersedes all existing campus policies related to smoking and tobacco.
To review the supporting documentation, please click here (PDF).
I. History and General Statement
Executive Order W-42-93, signed by Governor Pete Wilson in 1993 banned smoking in state-owned buildings and leased space. Consistent with this order, Assembly Bill 291 prohibited smoking in state owned vehicles and mobile equipment. Both became effective in 1994. In 2002, the CSU, Board of Trustees adopted a resolution that added Section 42356 to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. This section delegated authority to presidents and the chancellor to adopt rules regulating smoking on CSU campuses and properties. In 2002, California State University, Chico extended the prohibition on outdoor smoking from 20 to 25 feet from a building.
CSU, Chico is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable and productive environment for students, faculty and staff. The University recognizes the harmful effects of smoking and of involuntary contact with smoke and is committed to mitigate the exposure to secondhand smoke. Therefore, CSU, Chico prohibits smoking in all university facilities and within 25 feet of building doorways, breezeways and windows and has established smoking areas on campus.
II. Definition
“Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other smoking apparatus.
III. Implementation
This prohibition applies to all university facilities or other facilities controlled by the University, whether leased or owned. Examples of such indoor areas are hallways, stairways, lobbies, elevators, lounges, restrooms, conference or meeting rooms, classrooms, supply rooms, work areas, offices, cafeterias, and kitchens. This prohibition also applies to university-owned or -controlled vehicles.
IV. Exceptions
Exceptions shall be living quarters in buildings with open-air systems and university-sponsored theatre and dance productions and other presentations where smoking is a required part of the performance.
Smoking areas will be provided in clearly defined locations and are identified on this campus map(opens in new window). These areas will be sited so as to avoid involuntary exposure to smoke while providing reasonably convenient, safe, and comfortable locations for employees and students who smoke. Any smoking area that is not sufficiently used will be eliminated.
V. Administration
Supervisors are responsible for informing all current employees of the University’s smoking policy. Employees hired/assigned in the future will also be apprised of the policy. Students and campus visitors shall be informed of the policy through informational campaigns and by university employees. This policy shall be included in the University Catalog, appropriate contracts, and other informational publications. Signs will be posted to inform the campus community of the smoking rules.
The success of this policy depends upon the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of all members of the campus community. CSU, Chico encourages faculty, staff and students to refrain from smoking. Smoking cessation resources will be advertised and will be made available to students, faculty and staff. These resources, including a trained cessation facilitator, will be provided at the Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center (CADEC). Other resources will include the Student Health Center and university websites, which will announce where these cessation resources are available.
References: Government Code Sections 7596-7598; California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 42356