Approval to Move the Program in Modern Jewish and Israel Studies from the School of Graduate, International, and Interdisciplinary Programs to the Humanities Program within the College of Humanities and Fine Arts
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval to Move the Program in Modern Jewish and Israel Studies from the School of Graduate, International, and Interdisciplinary Programs to the
Humanities Program within the College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve moving the programs in Modern Jewish and Israel Studies (MJIS) from the School of Graduate, International, and Interdisciplinary Programs to the Humanities Program within the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. Administrative responsibilities for the BA in Modern Jewish Studies, the Minor in Modern Jewish and Israel Studies, and all courses with the subject area designation "MJIS" will be taken over by the Humanities Program effective spring 2008. The reporting code, 15102, will remain the same.