Policy and Procedure to Establish Honorary Names to Properties, Programs, and Facilities; Supercedes EM 95-007
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Policy and Procedure to Establish Honorary Names to Properties, Programs, and Facilities; Supercedes EM 95-007.
This document outlines policy for establishing honorary names to University properties, programs, and facilities and provides the procedure for submitting a proposed name.
Authority to approve proposals for naming properties, programs, and facilities is as follows
- The CSU Board of Trustees retains authority for naming all CSU facilities and properties, i.e., all buildings; major portions of buildings; university or college streets or roads; stadium and baseball fields and other areas of major assembly or activity; plazas, malls, and other large areas of campus circulation; and all other highly visible facilities and properties. The CSU Board of Trustees also retains authority for naming all CSU colleges, schools, programs, centers, and institutes.
- The Board of Trustees and the Chancellor have delegated to the President the authority to name individual rooms, limited areas and individual items or features within buildings, individual landscape items or features, limited outdoor areas, and other minor properties. The President is also delegated authority to approve temporary naming for a facility or property, reflecting natural or geographic features, or reflecting a traditional theme of a university.
Evaluation Categories
It is desirable for the CSU to name colleges, schools, programs, centers, and institutes in honor of significant contributors of funds to the university.
The significance and amount of the proposed gift as either or both relate to the realization or completion of a facility or property or the enhancement of a program, facility or property's usefulness to the university or region will be considered.
In a rare instance, when no donor gift is involved a naming opportunity can honor a person who has achieved unique distinction in higher education and other significant areas of public service, or who has served the CSU in an academic capacity and has earned a national or international reputation as a scholar, or has made extraordinary contributions to a CSU campus or the system that warrant special recognition, or who has served the CSU in an administrative capacity and who, during administrative service, made extraordinary contributions to a CSU campus or the system that warrant special recognition. When a proposal for naming in honor of an individual involves service to the university in an academic or administrative capacity, a proposal shall not be made until the individual has been retired or deceased at least two years.
Proposals for naming campus properties, programs, and facilities will be in writing and will be filed with the Vice President for University Advancement. The proposal must conform to CSU System policy and justify the proposed name with such supporting documents as petitions and letters, maps, plans, projected expenses, and a proposed gift amount.
Proposals submitted to the Vice President for University Advancement will be forwarded to the Cabinet and the Academic Senate Executive Committee. The President may also forward the proposal to other bodies, such as the Associated Students Board of Directors or the University Advisory Board, for their comments. Each of these bodies will operate with utmost confidentiality as they consider the proposal and offer their opinions to the President. All proposals will be submitted for the President’s approval. As applicable, proposals will then be submitted to the System office. The President is charged with presenting and supporting such proposals before the CSU Board of Trustees.
Proposals in each of the aforementioned evaluation categories will be evaluated at appropriate levels of campus review.
Appendices CSU System Policy on Naming Facilities, Properties, and Programs: EO 713 (PDF)