Changes to General Education and Cultural Diversity Courses
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Changes to General Education and Cultural Diversity Courses
Following review by the General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) and the recommendation of the Provost, I approve General Education (GE) and Cultural Diversity status changes as noted for the courses below effective spring 2009 (unless otherwise noted).
Area A2 - Written Communication Add:ENGL 130E - Academic Writing: ESL Area B2 - Life Forms Delete:BIOL 101 - Concepts of Biology Area D3 - Cultural and Social Institutions Delete:HIST 105 - Global Environmental History: Before Columbus Delete:HIST 106 - Global Environmental History: After Columbus Upper-Division Theme C Add:ENGL 372 - Languages of the World: Contact, Convergence & Loss - Eth Status Approved; Course Applies to areas C, D of theme Add to theme in Section: 1 Course Selected From CHST 354 - Chicano Literature ENGL 353 - Multicultural Literature ENGL 374 - Languages of the World SPAN 354 - Chicano Literature
Upper-Division Theme D Add:ENGL 338 - Rhetorics of the Environment - Course Applies to areas C, D of theme
Add to theme in section: 1 Course Selected From:
ENGL 338 - Rhetorics of the Environment PHIL 329 - Environmental Ethics RELS 347 - Cross-Cultural Environmental Ethics
Upper-Division Theme G Add: PHIL 336 - American Indian Environmental Philosophies - Effective Fall 2008 - Eth Status Approved - Course Applies to areas C, D of theme
Add to theme in section:
1 Course selected from:
PHIL 336 - American Indian Environmental Philosophies RELS 332 - World Religions and Global Is's
Upper-Division Theme H Delete: PHIL 313H/PSYC 313H/RELS 342H Add: PHIL 318H/PSYC 318H/RELS 318H - Altruism: Theories & Practice: Honors - Course Applies to areas B,C,D of theme Delete: MCGS 316H - Crossing Boundaries Add: ENGL 316H
Revised Theme Structure:
1 Course Selected From:
BIOL/PHIL 322H - Science/Human Values: Honors CSCI 313H/PSYC 332H - Mind in the Machine: Honors PHIL/PSYC/RELS 318H - Altruism: Theories and Practice: Honors
1 Course Selected From
ENGL/GEOG 316H - Crossing Boundaries MJIS/SOCI 356H - Genocide/Mass Persuasion: Honors PHIL/PSYC/RELS 318H - Altruism: Theories and Practice: Honors
Capstone - To Be Taken Last
1 Course Selected From
HNRS 399H - Honors GE Thesis HNRS 398H - Special Topics: Honors
ADD: Upper-Division Theme V Consuming Interests: Food and Society
ANTH 340 - Anthropology of Food - NW Status Approved - Course Applies to areas D, C of Theme PSSC 390 - Food Forever: Comparisons of Sustainable Food Production Systems - NW Status Approved - Course Applies to areas B,D of Theme NFSC 310 - Ecology of Human Nutrition - NW Status Approved - Course Applies to areas B,D of Theme HUMN 380 - Food and Film - Course Applies to areas C, D of Theme ENGL 365 - Food and Literature - Eth Status Approved - Course Applies to areas C,D of Theme
Theme Structure
1 Course Required
ANTH 340 - Anthropology of Food
1 Course Selected From
NFSC 310 - Ecology of Human Nutrition PSSC 390 - Food Forever: Comparisons of Sustainable Food Production Systems
1 Course Selected From
ENGL 365 - Food and Literature HUMN 380 - Food and Film