Office of the President

Nepotism Policy; Replaces EM 05-016

Executive Memorandum 09-008 July 01, 2009

From: Paul J. Zingg, President

Subject: Nepotism Policy; Replaces EM 05-016


This policy is established to insure fair and equal treatment of employees and applicants while minimizing situations that create potential for adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale or involve a conflict of interest.

This policy applies to all employees of and new hires to CSU, Chico, including auxiliary organizations of the university.


California State University, Chico follows the Nepotism Policy of the California State University system expressed in HR 2004-18, with the following addition: the definition of “immediate family member” is expanded to include former spouses and former registered domestic partners.


Parties to a potential nepotistic situation must notify the head of the organizational unit, who must then inform Human Resources or Academic Personnel. It is the responsibility of the head of the organizational unit to inform the parties to a potential nepotistic situation of this notification requirement.

Questions about whether this policy applies to a particular situation should be directed to the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel or the Chief Human Resources Officer. The Vice Provost for Academic Personnel or the Chief Human Resources Officer will provide assistance in preparing the special written provisions for parties in a potential nepotistic situation, and will be the custodian of these written provisions.

Any individual affected by an alleged nepotistic situation may pursue the matter by presenting his or her circumstances to the Director of Employment Practices/Dispute Resolution for informal negotiation.

APPENDIX: HR 2004-18 (PDF)