09-001 | January 20, 2009 |
Graduate School Constitution; Supercedes EM 76-017 and EM 77-007
09-002 | February, 2009 |
Not Issued
09-003 | March 09, 2009 |
Approval for a New Option: Professional Science Master (PSM) Option within the Master of Science in Environmental Science
09-004 | March 26, 2009 |
Approval for Deletion of Patterns: Editing and Publishing, Language and Literacy, Theatre Arts
09-005 | March 26, 2009 |
Approval to Delete the Single Subject Matter Preparation Program in Social Science
09-006 | June 09, 2009 |
Animal Welfare Policy; Revises EM 93-001; Superseded and Decommissioned by EM 23-031
This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by
EM 23-031 |
09-007 | July 01, 2014 |
University Policy on Hospitality Expenses; Rescinded
09-008 | July 01, 2009 |
Nepotism Policy; Replaces EM 05-016
09-009 | September 22, 2009 |
Approval for New Certificate Program: Professional Sales
09-010 | August 27, 2009 |
Grading Symbols, Minimum Standards Governing the Assignment of Grades, Policies on the Repetition of Courses, Academic Forgiveness and Grade Appeals; Supersedes EM 08-013 and EM 92-013; Based on EO 1037
09-011 | August 27, 2009 |
Study Abroad Advisory Committee
09-012 | October 27, 2009 |
Approval of New BA in Chemistry
09-013 | December04, 2009 |
California Pavement Preservation Center Approval
09-014 | December 04, 2009 |
Interdisciplinary Center on Aging Approval
09-015 | December 14, 2009 |
Approval for New Minor: Animal Science
09-016 | December 14, 2009 |
Approval to Move the MA in Teaching International Languages from the School of Graduate, International, and Interdisciplinary Studies to the College of Communication and Education
09-017 | December 14, 2009 |
Approval to Move the Special Major BA/BS from the School of Graduate, International, and Interdisciplinary Studies to Undergraduate Education