Campus Fee Advisory Committee; Revised
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Campus Fee Advisory Committee; Revised
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the Campus Fee Advisory Committee.
Executive Order 1034: The California State University Student Fee Policy and Miscellaneous Course Fee Delegation of Authority require that the president establish a fee advisory committee comprised of student, faculty, staff, and administrative representatives to provide advice to the president. The role of the Campus Fee Advisory Committee is to review new campus proposals and the modification of current fees for the purpose of providing advice to the campus president. The president is responsible for consulting the committee prior to implementing changes to campus-based student fees.
- The committee will consider proposals for the establishment and adjustment of Category II or III fees, and will then make a recommendation to the president.
- The president will make a determination on Category IV and V fees after consideration of the revenue and expenditure plans associated with the fees, and will then notify the fee advisory committee of his or her decision.
- CFAC will determine deadlines for fee proposals annually.
The Campus Fee Advisory Committee at California State University, Chico is composed of nine voting members and one ex-officio, non-voting member appointed by the University President.
- AS President
- AS Executive Vice President
- AS Vice President of Business and Finance
- AS Director of University Affairs
- 1 student appointed by the AS President
- Chair of the Academic Senate (or Designee)
- Vice President for Business and Finance (or Designee)
- Vice President for Student Affairs (or Designee)
- Provost (or Designee)
- President-appointed ex-officio, non-voting member
The President shall designate the Committee Chair. All appointments shall be made within 30 days of the beginning of the academic year. Terms of appointment shall be for one academic year.
As needed, the Director of Financial Aid shall serve as staff to the committee to advice the President on the most efficient manner in which to establish a program of grants, work study, or fee waiver support to eligible students when campus mandatory fees are established or increased.
Consensus: When possible, the committee will seek consensus on the advice to be given to the campus President. When consensus is not possible, the majority opinion will be given to the President. Individual committee members may forward advice different from the majority opinion.
Quorum: A quorum must be present for the Fee Committee to make recommendations. A quorum shall constitute a simple majority of voting members, with students carrying the majority vote.
Proxy: A student may be represented by proxy at a meeting; however, an attending student may act as proxy for one student at a time.
Robert Rules of Order: Shall apply on any matters upon which these guidelines are silent.
Financial Aid Set Aside for Mandatory Fees: The federal financial eligibility methodology shall be used to determine student financial need. Such aid may be an amount up to one third of additional revenue resulting from an increase in campus mandatory fee levels and shall be available to students beginning the same year in which the campus mandatory fees are increased.
Referenda Guidelines: Refer to the Chancellor’s Office Executive Order Number 1034, CSU Fee Policy
The committee will hold its first meeting by the second week of the fall semester to review committee purpose, procedures, and to familiarize the committee with the fees over which the committee has purview. An updated chart of current and pending fees and the timelines for reviewing mandatory and user/penalty fees shall be presented at one of the first meetings. Each September CFAC will receive, for information only, an annual student fee report of new or adjusted Category IV and V fees. The report will be a copy of the student fee report prepared by the campus Budget Office and submitted to the Chancellor's Office.
Category II Fees(Campus Based Mandatory Fees)
Category II fees are determined through referendum organized by Student Government members of CFAC or alternative consultation requested by the CSU, Chico campus. These fees are mandatory campus based fees paid to enroll in or attend the university. For our campus, they include the following: AS Student Union, AS Activity Fee, Instructionally Related Activities, Health Services, Health Facilities, ID Card and the Category II-Material, Services and Facilities Fee (defined below).
Executive Order 1049 established the CSU, Chico Category II, Material Services and Facilities Fee. The fee includes two components: $26/year miscellaneous course fee and $20/year student learning fee, from which financial aid will be set aside. Refer to separate documents for the following:
- Student Learning Fee College Committee Guidelines – College Fee Committees are established in each college to allow students within that college opportunity to be directly involved in how their fee dollars are used. Each college committee will report back to CFAC on a regular basis.
- Student Learning Fee Proposal Guidelines
- EO 1049 Expenditure Guidelines
- Student Learning Fee Proposal, Budget, and Timeline
CFAC Involvement:
(Referendum organized by Student Government members of CFAC or alternative consultation for Category II fees requested by the CSU, Chico campus) CFAC is to review and approve student learning fee committee structures in each of the colleges. Additionally, proposals that fall outside a single college will be reviewed and ranked by CFAC. The provost shall consult with CFAC in the review of these student learning fee proposals and the final determination of awards given.
Category III Fees(Miscellaneous Course Fee)
These fees are associated with state-supported courses and are established specifically for materials and services used in concert with the basic foundation of an academic course offering. The president is delegated authority to establish Category III fees within ranges established by the chancellor as follows:
- $0 - $150: Fees that supplement the basic complement of classroom and laboratory instruction by providing materials and services that would otherwise be unavailable to students, and which allow students to meet the educational objectives of a given course.
- $0 - $3,000: Fees for courses that require field trips or travel off campus in order to meet the educational objectives of a given course.
Effective June 2010, the majority of individual course fees were consolidated into a Category II fee that is described in the section above. Category III fees are limited to fees where the cost per student is over $200 or affects a select group of students.
Category III proposals shall be completed on the appropriate form located on the Financial Services website. All requests shall include the required information on the form and be signed by the appropriate individuals. Proposers of a course fee may be called upon to attend a CFAC meeting in order to explain their request.
CFAC Involvement:
CFAC provides approval or denial proposals for changes to an existing fee or to establish a new fee.
Category IV and V Fees
Category IV fees are defined as: fees, other than Category II or III, paid to receive materials, services, or for the use of facilities provided by the University; and fees or deposits to reimburse the university for additional costs resulting from dishonored payments, late submissions or misuse of property or as a security or guaranty.
Category V fees are defined as: fees paid to self-support programs such as Extended Education, parking and Housing including materials and services fees, user fees, fines and deposits.
The President is delegated authority for the establishment, oversight and adjustment of Category IV and V fees. Each September, for information only, CFAC will be presented with the annual student fee report submitted to the Chancellor’s Office. This report will serve as notification of new or adjusted Category IV and V fees.
Category IV/V Fee proposals shall be completed on the appropriate form located on the Financial Services website. All requests shall include the required information on the form and be signed by the appropriate individuals. Any necessary financial analysis that would support the request for a fee increase should accompany the form. All fee increase proposals will be first reviewed by the Vice President for Business and Finance before recommended to the President to approve or deny.
Each September CFAC will receive, for information only, an annual student fee report of new or adjusted Category IV and V fees. This report will be a copy of the student fee report prepared by the campus Budget Office and submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.