Office of the President

Approval of the New GE Pathway Minor in Great Books and Ideas; Discontinued by EM 21-016

Executive Memorandum 11-057 December 6, 2011

This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by 21-016 .

From: Paul J. Zingg, President

Subject: Approval of the New GE Pathway Minor in Great Books and Ideas

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate, and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the addition of the new GE Pathway Minor in Great Books and Ideas, within the General Education Program, effective Fall 2012. Per EM 10-01, “Upon completion of 18 units within one pathway, including nine units of upper division within the same pathway, students will be awarded an interdisciplinary GE minor with the same name as the pathway. Only one of the Foundation Courses connected to a pathway may count toward the 18 unit minor.