Office of the President

Approval of Significant Change to the BS in Biochemistry

Executive Memorandum 12-016 February 7, 2012

From: Paul J. Zingg, President

Subject: Approval of Significant Change to the BS in Biochemistry

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate, and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve a significant change to the BS in Biochemistry. This change increases the course requirements for the major from 73-75 to 75-77 units. This is accomplished by adding one unit to CHEM 361 “Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry” and by replacing CHEM 455L with a new biochemistry laboratory course (CHEM 453M) that incorporates a unit of lecture. The additional two units are required by the American Chemical Society for an ACS certified degree in biochemistry. The units for the degree will remain at 120. The change will be effective Fall 2012.