Approval of a Minor Change to the Media Arts Option within the BA in Communication Design
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval of a Minor Change to the Media Arts Option within the BA in Communication Design
Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve a minor change to the Media Arts Option within the BA in Communication Design. The number of required option core courses will increase from 5 to 7. The areas within the Production electives will be deleted and will be replaced with one list of electives for the student to choose from. The 3 units of Theory, Aesthetics, or Performance will be deleted, and a 3 unit Capstone will be added in its place. In all, the option units will increase from 33 to 39, increasing the major requirements from 51-63 to 57-63. This change will be effective Fall 2012 and will bring the option to current standards, better preparing students for employment in the field and graduate level work.