Approval of a Minor Change to the BA in Communication Design
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval of a Minor Change to the BA in Communication Design
Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve a minor change to the BA in Communication Design. This change reduces the number of courses in the Major Program Core from 6 to 5 (deleting CDES 103) which will reduce the number of core units from 18 to 15. The units in the Graphic Design Option will increase from 45 to 47 with the addition of CDES 489 (2 units) to the list of required Post-Portfolio courses. The units in both the Mass Communication Design and Media Arts Options will increase from 39 to 42 with the addition of CDES 103 as a required course. The units for the major will change from 57-63 to 57-62. This change will be effective Fall 2013.