Approval of Significant Change to the BFA in Art
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval of Significant Change to the BFA in Art
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve a significant change to the BFA in Art. This change reduces the number of units for the degree from 132 to 120. The existing program consists of 15 units of program admission prerequisites plus 57-72 units of additional major requirements. The revised program requires 72 units for both the Option in Art Studio and the Option in Interior Design and includes the program admission prerequisites within the 72 units. The two options have courses common to both, but for better student understanding of the program requirements, each option has these “major core courses” built into each option.
The majority of changes occur within the Option in Art Studio. The number of Art Studio emphasis units will change from 27 to 21-24. There is a new Art Studio emphasis “Digital Intermedia,” which incorporates the coursework from the discontinued Option in Electronic Arts. With the permission of the respective departments, CDES and JOUR courses have been added to the Photography Group emphasis. The number of Art Studio elective units will reduce from 18 to 6-9. The Professional Preparation section now requires the student take both ARTS 395 and ARTS 595 instead of two semesters of ARTS 595. ARTS 395 is a new course that will teach students skills needed for the art profession.
The Option in Interior Design will experience very few changes. The Art History requirement will change from 6 to 3 units. With the reduction of the number of degree units, the Interior Design students will have less elective units to meet the degree unit requirements.
This change will be effective Fall 2013.