Approval of a Minor Change to the BS in Business Information Systems
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval of a Minor Change to the BS in Business Information Systems
Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve a minor change to the BS in Business Information Systems. This change reduces the number of units for the degree from 128 to 120. As the program exists, a student can complete the degree with only 120 units. 6 of the units are the American Institutions units that are now counted in the 48 General Education units effective fall 2012. The degree count of 128 was also the maximum number of units a student needed to earn the degree rather than the minimum. Two of the three options within the major have variable units because both 3 and 4 unit courses are listed within the elective lists. If a student were to choose the 3 unit courses, he/she could complete the degree with 120 units. This change will be effective Fall 2013.