Office of the President

Establishment of Internal Research Grants Committee

Executive Memorandum 14-012 May 27, 2014

From: Paul J. Zingg, President

Subject: Establishment of Internal Research Grants Committee


The purpose of the Internal Research Grants Committee (IRGC) is to support the internal grant competition process at California State University, Chico.

The IRGC will work with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to:

  • establish appropriate evaluation criteria and procedures
  • review applications for internal research grants and other funding as it is available,
  • recommend grant awardees to the Vice Provost for Research, and
  • provide constructive feedback for unfunded proposals.


The IRGC is a permanent committee as authorized by, and specified in, Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Academic Senate, CSU, Chico

Basic Structure


  • Eight faculty members, one nominated from and by each academic college and Information Technology, and selected by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate. Terms of appointment: three years, staggered.
  • The Vice Provost for Research is a permanent non-voting member and may select a designee to serve in this capacity.
  • The Director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is a permanent non-voting member.
  • One undergraduate student and one graduate student appointed by the Associated Students Board of Directors. Non-voting. Terms of appointment: one year.


The Director of The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will chair the IRGC.

First Meeting

The first meeting of the IRGC will be held in the fall semester so that the committee may set the academic year’s agenda based on the number and type of internal grant competitions that will be held in that year. Internal grants reviewed by the IRGC will be posted online at the beginning of the academic year at the homepage for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.


The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will assist the IRGC by preparing the call for proposals, organizing the application documents for committee deliberations, forwarding the recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research, sending out award/denial letters, processing payments to awardees and providing the committee with an annual report on the final award outcomes.