Office of the President

Executive Memoranda 2015

List of Executive Memoranda (2015)
15-001April 13, 2015 (Revised May 20, 2016) Exceptional Service Assigned Time Policy This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by EM EM 23-015
15-002April 22, 2015 Approval of the California Mechatronics Center
15-003April 29, 2015 New Option in Botany
15-004April 29, 2015 Approval to Change the Name of the Certificate in Electronic Printing and Publishing
15-005April 29, 2015 Guidelines for Discontinuing Programs; Supercedes EM 01-014
15-006April 29, 2015 New Certificate in Professional Management Consulting
15-007June 11, 2015 Approval to Relocate the Teaching of International Languages Program from the College of Communication and Education to the College of Humanities and Fine Arts
15-008June 11, 2015 Approval of Significant Changes to the Option in Music Education
15-009June 11, 2015 New Option in Enterprise Information Systems under the Master of Business Administration
15-010June 29, 2015 Student Evaluation of Teaching Policy This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by EM EM 21-026
15-011June 30, 2015 University Ombuds Policy
15-012July 15, 2015 Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Against Employees and Third Parties and Procedure for Handling Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Allegations by Employees and Third Parties; Supercedes EM 12-043
15-013November 6, 2015 Approval of Significant Change to the B.S. in Biochemistry
15-014November 20, 2015 Approval to Change the Name of Certificate from Rural and Town Planning to Land Use and Environmental Planning
15-015November 20, 2015 Approval to Change the Name of the Certificate in Geographic Information (GIS) Technology to the Certificate in Geospatial Technology
15-017December 8, 2015 Approval of New Minor in Applied Statistics
15-018December 9, 2015 Approval of Significant Change to the BA in Philosophy