Grant Related/Specifically Funded Instructional Faculty Classification Policy
From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President
Subject: Grant Related/Specifically Funded Instructional Faculty Classification Policy
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the Grant Related/Specifically Funded Instructional Faculty Classification Policy, effective immediately.
This policy applies to California State University, Chico tenured, probationary, and full-time lecturer faculty.
1. Definitions
The Grant Related/Specially Funded Instructional Faculty (GRIF) serves as a California State University, Chico instructional faculty member in a non-permanent, 12 month or academic year assignment. This classification can be used for grant-funded faculty assignments as well as faculty assignments funded by gifts and bequests or by foundation allocations.
2. Minimum Qualifications
3. Terms and Conditions
3.1 Each GRIF appointment is to be made for one academic year or a twelve (12) month period only. Subsequent appointments require submission of a full application as defined below and within the limits of the external support.
3.2 No tenure accrual, entitlement, or salary rights are attached specifically to this appointment. An individual retains tenure rights, if any, and salary normally accruing from a regular faculty appointment.
3.3 Appointment does not constitute a promotion; nor does the non-renewal of an appointment constitute a demotion
3.4 Non-state funds must be identified and used to cover the GRIF salary differential.
3.5 The faculty member’s grant and contract activity must be clearly related to the faculty member’s University responsibilities including fulfilling the University’s Strategic Priorities.
3.6 The salary differential for the GRIF position is 5% to 35% above the corresponding salary of the instructional faculty.
3.7 Appointees are expected to fund both the GRIF differential and any buy-out of their time for scholarly activities from their grants and/or non-state, external sources.
4. Application and Process
4.1 The faculty member must submit a letter to the appropriate administrator (normally the Dean) via the Department Chair requesting a GRIF appointment. The eligible faculty must specify in writing the GRIF additional salary differential percentage and the source(s) of external funds from which the GRIF differential will be paid. If the funding comes from a grant, evidence that the expenditure is allowable from the grant must be presented.
4.2 Departments must clearly define the eligibility criteria for a GRIF appointment with consideration to the required minimum qualifications stated in 2. “…exceptional professional merit in scholarship and teaching as evidenced by regional or national recognition in his/her discipline(s),”
4.3 A letter of evaluation from the College Personnel Committee. The letter should include the names of the committee members and department affiliation. The evaluation should include whether the GRIF applicant is a demonstrably distinguished faculty member who meets the eligibility criteria and whether the committee recommends approval of the GRIF appointment.
4.4 A letter of evaluation from the department or program chair, which should include whether the GRIF applicant is a demonstrably distinguished faculty member who meets the eligibility criteria and whether the program chair recommends approval of the GRIF appointment. The letter should also indicate that the faculty member’s instructional duties and related expertise can be met with a temporary appointment.
4.5 A letter of evaluation from the appropriate administrator (normally the Dean). If the appropriate administrator supports the appointment, they should specify the recommended GRIF salary differential percentage and time base.
4.6 The Provost, in consultation with Human Resources at the Chancellor’s Office, must approve all GRIF appointments. Approval or denial of the application is communicated via a letter from the Provost to the applicant, with copies to the appropriate administrator and program or department chair. The Provost’s decision is final.
The Provost’s office is responsible for administering this policy and related procedures.
Please note GRIF faculty entering into the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) will have a full-time monthly salary equal to their regular Academic Year full-time monthly salary. The GRIF classification is not included in the eligible classifications for FERP.
Per contractual agreement with CFA, the CSU may not employ system-wide more than 100 faculty in the GRIF classification in any one year.
CSU System HR 2005-37 Attachment A