Significant Changes to the BA in Liberal Studies
From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President
Subject: Significant Changes to the BA in Liberal Studies
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and the concurrence of the Provost, I approve significant changes to the BA in Liberal Studies. The total number of units required for the program will change from 100-111 to 63-100. These changes are being made in order to comply with new Elementary Subject Matter standards, Title 5 changes, EO 1071, EM 17-009 (Writing Across the Curriculum), and EO 1100 (GE program).
Additionally, the General (Pre-Credential) Option will be renamed “General”; the General Online (Pre-Credential) Option will be renamed “General Online”; the Bilingual/Cross-Cultural (Pre-Credential) Option will be renamed “Bilingual/Cross-Cultural”; the Liberal Arts (non-credential) Option will be renamed “Liberal Arts”.
The Liberal Studies program will continue to use reporting code 49012 and these changes will be effective fall 2019.