Office of the President

Significant Changes to the BA in Communications Design

Executive Memorandum 19-020 June 10, 2019

From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President 

Subject: Significant Changes to the BA in Communication Design

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and the concurrence of the Provost, and with the approval of the Chancellor’s Office, I approve Significant Changes to the BA in Communication Design.  The name of the degree will change to the BA in Media Arts and the units will change from 57-63 to 60.  The Option in Mass Communication Design will be renamed as the Option in Criticism; the Option in Media Arts will be renamed as the Option in Production.  The revised degree will use CSU reporting code 06051 with a CIP code of 09.0701.  These changes will be effective fall 2020.

Review EM 19-020 (PDF) supporting documents.