Interim Executive Memorandum for Academic Scheduling
From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President
Subject: Interim Executive Memorandum for Academic Scheduling
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the Interim Executive Memorandum for Academic Scheduling, effective immediately.
Interim Executive Memorandum for Academic Scheduling
In order to help the institution in meeting the goals, priorities, and enduring commitments established in the Strategic Plan, this Interim Executive Memorandum (EM) defines policies and procedures for the approval and oversight of academic scheduling policy and practice on the California State University, Chico campus, and creates the Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee (ASAC). These policies and procedures are consistent with other applicable CSU and campus policies, and supplements EM 13-078.
Effective class scheduling is critical to the academic mission of the University. It enables students to take the classes they need to create viable schedules, assures faculty availability to teach, and contributes to efficient space utilization and good stewardship of our valuable institutional resources.
Class scheduling is a complex process that requires collaboration from various stakeholders. Successful scheduling supports pedagogical needs while maximizing space and seat utilization and ensuring that students have access to the courses they need for timely graduation. It requires evaluation of enrollment demand, consideration of course offerings, and academic and space planning.
This policy encompasses the approval and oversight of academic scheduling policies and practices within the Division of Academic Affairs at Chico State.
The following policy (including responsibility and procedures) is organized by the following sections:
1) Responsibilities of Academic Publications and Scheduling Services (APSS);
2) Responsibilities of Academic Departments and Colleges;
3) Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee (ASAC);
4) Charge of the Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee;
5) Glossary
6) Standard Scheduling Conventions.
Academic Publications and Scheduling Services (APSS) are responsible for the following related to classroom tracking and course scheduling:
- Assignment of classes to rooms allocated for instructional use is the responsibility of Academic Publications and Scheduling Services (APSS), who will make classroom assignments in collaboration with appropriate department heads/chairs or their designees;
- APSS manages the production and publication of the Class Schedule, coordinates academic scheduling, room assignments in general use lecture rooms, and audits class setup in order to facilitate student registration and Academic Planning Database (APDB) reporting;
- APSS will publish a timeline prior to schedule build each term. The Schedule Building Timeline will be based on the continuing student semester enrollment cycle and will establish the scheduling dates and deadlines for that term.
a. Academic departments and colleges plan course offerings in preparation for schedule build. They are responsible for completing scheduling activities as established in the Schedule Building Timeline and in compliance with class scheduling guidelines and data requirements.
b. Each department is responsible for designating a department scheduler to complete scheduling activities and coordinate with the college and APSS on behalf of the department. Each college is responsible for designating a college scheduler to coordinate scheduling activities across the departments and to coordinate with APSS on behalf of the college.
The Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee (ASAC) consists of the following:
- APSS scheduling representative (appointed by Registrar)
- Academic Advising representative (appointed by AVP for University Advisement)
- Institutional Research representative
Two-year term:
- Department Chair representative from each college (appointed by the Executive Committee of the Chairs’ Council)
- Associate Dean representative (appointed by the Provost)
- Faculty representative (appointed by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate)
- Staff department scheduler representative (appointed by Staff Council)
AS Student Representative (appointed by AS President)
Officers:The Chair and Secretary will be selected by the committee at the first meeting of the academic year. The duties of the Chair and Secretary include, but are not limited to, conferring about and deciding immediate issues and report to the committee.
The Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee will be a permanent committee of the Academic Senate.
The charge of the Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee shall be:
- Serve as the referral and review body for resolving disputes and exceptions to the Academic Scheduling Provisions.
- In cooperation with APSS, research and recommend improvements to scheduling policy.
- Research and recommend scheduling best practices.
- Best practice (BP) – recommended scheduling practice for the most efficient schedule.\\
- Credit hour – A credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute period. In courses in which “seat time” does not apply, a credit hour may be measured by an equivalent amount of work, as demonstrated by student achievement.
- Faculty Contact Hours – total number of hours per week that the instructor is physically present with students while delivering instruction.
- Prime time – Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. start time.
- Room capacity – number of seats/spaces available for students.
- Seat fill – ratio of enrolled students to room capacity, expressed as a percentage
- In order to maximize utilization of general use lecture rooms, as well as mitigate the potential for class overlap and allow students a wide range of class schedule options, APSS enforces the university approved standard scheduling convention (PDF). It is each departments’ responsibility to comply with these time blocks to ensure the university is working as one cohesive entity.
- All class meeting patterns must begin on the hour or half-hour.
- Two or three hour time blocks are scheduled to accommodate a break at approximately the mid-point of the meeting pattern.
- Non-standard class times require prior approval through the exception process and will be reviewed on a regular basis.
- Policy for University Facilities Allocation and Use (EM 13-078)
- University Facilities Scheduling and Use Procedures (Addendum to EM 13-078) (PDF)
- Policy for Online Education (EM 14-014)
- Schedule Build Timeline for 2020-2021 AY
- Standard Scheduling Convention (PDF)
- Course Classification (CS number) List and Definitions (PDF)
- Academic Scheduling Exceptions procedure *to be developed by Academic Scheduling Advisory Committee (link to be provided)