Office of the President

Campus Native American Consultation and Repatriation Committee

Executive Memorandum 20-015 May 18, 2020

 From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President   

Subject: Campus Native American Consultation and Repatriation Committee

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the Campus Native American Consultation and Repatriation Committee (NACRC), effective immediately.

Campus Native American Consultation and Repatriation Committee


This executive memorandum establishes a permanent committee to provide the University with expertise concerning repatriation and the state and federal Native American Graves and Protection Act (NAGPRA). 


This policy applies university wide.


The primary mission of the campus Native American Consultation and Repatriation Committee is to oversee compliance with NAGPRA and state laws pertaining to the treatment of Native American cultural items, associated and unassociated funerary objects, and human remains.  As well as, to assist the University in working with, but not limited to, the local Sheriffs, Coroner’s Office, and the Chico State Human ID lab to repatriate to tribes in a timely manner.

The NACRC is an advisory committee to the President to:

  • Ensure that the University is in compliance with all state and federal NAGPRA laws
  • Monitor NAGPRA submission process
  • Communicate with the Human ID lab to ensure repatriation to tribes in a timely manner

The NACRC provides an opportunity to educate students, faculty, staff and administrators on state and federal NAGPRA laws and our responsibility to our tribal communities to ensure their ancestors, family members, and cultural items are given back to them and handled with dignity and grace.


Due to the specialized nature of the committee, the members of the committee shall include:

  • Anthropology Faculty (two) recommended by the Chair of Anthropology and not precluding the chair from serving, in consultation with the Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences and appointed by the President.
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee
  • Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Chief of Staff
  • Director, Office of Tribal Relations
  • Faculty member in an area other than Anthropology, nominated by Academic Senate and appointed by the President.
  • Staff member nominated by Staff Council and appointed by the President


Appointed faculty and staff will serve three-year staggered terms with the ability to continue consecutive terms of service.


The committee will meet once a semester and as needed to comply with timely repatriation efforts to the tribes.


Chairperson: NACRC will be chaired by a member elected by the committee from its membership, every three years.

Secretary: A secretary will be elected by the committee from its membership, every three years. 

To view the pdf version of 20-015. (PDF)