All University Responsibility for Teacher Education Committee (AURTEC); Supersedes EM 07-012 and EM 89-010
From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President
Subject: All University Responsibility for Teacher Education Committee (AURTEC); Supersedes EM 07-12 and EM 89-010
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the All University Responsibility for Teach Education Committee, effective immediately.
For educators prepared in California, completing a Commission-approved educator preparation program is required to earn a credential or authorization. Program standards address aspects of program quality and effectiveness that apply to each type of educator preparation program offered by the program sponsor, CSU, Chico. Program standards contain statements describing the nature and purpose of each standard and language that details the requirements that all approved programs must meet. Program sponsors must meet all applicable program standards before the program application may be approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)[1]
Teacher candidates in California are also required to demonstrate proficiency in the subject matter they will be authorized to teach. In California, subject matter preparation programs for prospective teachers must meet state preparation standards set by the Commission which are aligned with K-12 content standards. These programs of higher education may be associated with degrees or majors in the subjects; however, the Commission does not govern degree programs. To satisfy the subject matter requirements for the Multiple or Single Subject credential, candidates may complete a Commission-approved subject matter preparation program or pass a Commission-approved examination. Subject matter programs do not lead to a credential, but completion of such programs may be used to meet the subject matter proficiency requirement for admission to a teaching credential program.
Teacher preparation at California State University, Chico is an all-university responsibility. The professional course of study in teacher education is provided primarily by the College of Communication and Education, while faculty from many disciplines and departments contribute to the foundation courses, subject matter programs, and other education preparation programs. programs.
The Chico State “all university concept” of education preparation includes all courses and programs that lead to a credential. This includes but is not limited to Subject Matter Programs, teacher credential programs, service credentials, and educator certificate programs and authorizations, whether self or state supported.
This policy applies to all minor and significant changes to programs that have an impact on approved subject matter programs, credential programs and/or graduate programs that include credentials. All minor and significant program changes to subject matter preparation programs should be made in consultation with the head of the Education Preparation Providers Unit prior to submission of the proposal to Curriculum Services. Significant program changes must also be approved by the Educational Policies and Programs Committee (EPPC) and the Academic Senate.
Campus-approved program changes are submitted to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, a legislative body established to review and approve all such programs. Campus programs submitted to the Commission must meet California Code of Regulations (Title 5) and legislative mandates), Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Chancellor's Office directives, and local campus policy. In order to effectively meet these requirements, AURTEC will work closely and cooperatively within the campus' shared governance system.
The Dean of the College of Communication and Education (or designee) will serve as Chair of AURTEC. It is the Dean's responsibility to assure that AURTEC conducts its duties in a timely and responsible
manner and that the all-university concept of educator preparation is maintained. The Dean will see that the proper protocol is observed in the transmission of materials for review and will be available for consultation at all levels of the review process. The Dean may consult with the Provost (or designee) prior to or during any action. Following campus approval of a given action, the Dean will consult with the Provost concerning the transmission of an action to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
MEMBERSHIP (all voting)
- CHAIR: Dean of the College of Communication and Education (or Head of the Education Preparation Providers Units (EPPC) designee
- CME: Associate Dean of the College of Education and Communication
- EPPC: Chair of the Educational Policies and Programs Committee
- GRAD: Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies
- LBST: Coordinator of the Liberal Studies Major
- BSS: One Single Subject Matter Advisor from the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, appointed by the BSS Dean and who shall serve a two-year term
- NS: One Single Subject Matter Advisor from the College of Natural Sciences, appointed by the NS Dean and who shall serve a two-year term
- HFA: One Single Subject Matter Advisor from the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, appointed by the HFA Dean and who shall serve a two-year term
- AGRI: One Single Subject Matter Advisor from the College of Agriculture, appointed by the AGRI Dean and who shall serve a two-year term
- ECC: One representative from the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management, appointed by the ECC Dean and who shall serve a two-year term
- EDUC: Director of the School of Education
- EDUC: Assistant Director/Assessment Coordinator of the School of Education
- CME: Credential Analyst
- UNIV: Vice Provost for Academic Programs (or designee)
- STUDENT: Credential Program Candidate, appointed by Associated Students and who shall serve a one-year term, renewable once
- K-12: One Community K-12 Representative, appointed by a district superintendent and who shall serve a two-year term, renewable once
Changes in subject matter waiver or credential programs may be mandated by legislation or by directive from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing or The California State University. AURTEC will make campus recommendations for response to such legislative or directive mandates.
Curriculum changes related to the educator preparation program and changes in credential programs shall be submitted to AURTEC from individual academic units after approval through appropriate department, program, or school and college-level committees. Individual academic units are encouraged to consult with AURTEC as they work on their proposals.
After consideration and approval, AURTEC will forward all proposed program changes to Curriculum Services. Curriculum Services will forward all proposed significant program changes to the Graduate Council when appropriate and then to the Educational Policies and Programs Committee (EPPC), and if required, the Academic Senate for their review and approval prior to approval by the President.
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing 1
[1] The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing is an agency in the Executive Branch of California State Government. The major purpose of the agency is to serve as a state standards board for educator preparation for the public schools of California, the licensing and credentialing of professional educators in the State, the enforcement of professional practices of educators, and the discipline of credential holders in the State of California.
To review the pdf version of EM 21-034 (PDF).