Office of the President

Approval to Elevate the Options in Music Industry and Recording Arts to the BA in Music Industry and Technology

Executive Memorandum 23-027 September 26, 2023

From: Stephen Perez, President

Subject: Approval to Elevate the Options in Music Industry and Recording Arts to the BA in Music Industry and Technology

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate, with the concurrence of the Provost, and with the approval of the Chancellor's Office, I approve the elevation of the option in Music Industry and the option in Recording Arts within the Bachelor of Arts in Music to a stand-alone Bachelor of Arts degree program in Music Industry and Technology with options in Music Industry and in Recording Arts.  The current options within the BA in Music will be discontinued.  The new degree has been assigned CSU Degree Code 10053 with a paired CIP code of 50.0999.  These changes will be effective fall 2024.

To vew a pdf version of EM 23-027 (PDF)