Office of the President

Approval of the New Curriculum Approval Process for Proposals Originating from Academic Units

Executive Memorandum 24-043 October 30, 2024

From:         Stephen Perez, President 

Subject:      Approval of the New Curriculum Approval Process for Proposals Originating from Academic Units 

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the new Curriculum Approval Process for proposals originating from academic units.  This new Senate process follows the approval paths as published in the Academic Department Manual and it concludes with approval from the Educational Policies And Programs Committee (EPPC) as a recommendation to the Provost, or designee, for final signature.  All EPPC-approved curricular changes will be attached as Information Items, with an opportunity to reconsider, at the following full Senate meeting to keep the Senate apprised of shifting and new curriculum. An Executive Memorandum will no longer be required for curriculum approvals.  This new process is illustrated in the matrix linked here, which will reside in the Academic Department Manual under the title, Curriculum Approval Process for Proposals Originating from Academic Units. 

To view a pdf version of EM 24-043 (PDF)