Office of the President

University Public Safety Advisory Committee; Amended by EM 89-007

Executive Memorandum 79-018 June 05, 1979

From: Stanford Cazier, President

Subject: University Public Safety Advisory Committee; Amended by EM 89-007


The purpose of the University Public Safety Advisory Committee is to promote the cause of safety throughout the University campus and to increase awareness of safety conditions and programs among all members of the University community. The Advisory Committee will assist in describing the means for involving campus Public Safety Officers in the life of the University in ways that will achieve the University’s goals of creating an environment which is “most conducive to the intellectual, cultural, and personal development of its students.

The President of the University will appoint the members of the University Public Safety Advisory Committee and designate the Committee Chair. Membership shall be composed as follows: Two students appointed after consultation with the President of the Associated Students, one faculty member after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, one staff member after consultation with the Chair of the Staff Council, the Dean of Undergraduate Education or designee, and one Dean of an Academic School. In addition to these members, the Supervising Officer for Public Safety, the Director of Public Safety, the Director of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety, and the Director of Plant Operations will serve as staff to the Committee as needed.

The Committee will act as an Advisory Body to the University Officers in defining the broad program of public safety on this campus and the general roles of Public Safety Officers in implementing this program. The Committee will identify an outreach program that will ally Public Safety Officers with the rest of the University community. This will be promoted by gathering information on successful public safety programs operating at other campuses and identifying those practices that would help improve public safety programs on the Chico campus.

Twice each year, the Committee will bring to the attention of the University Officers a summary of the public safety concerns of the University community and in particular of the Office of Public Safety. Officers of the University shall submit suggestions for program changes or concerns about present operations for Committee review and recommendations. The Committee will receive a summary of the activities of the Public Safety Officer once each month to be discussed as an agenda item at the University Public Safety Advisory Committee meeting. The Committee will also work directly with the Director of Public Safety to increase the effectiveness of the law enforcing program and its personnel on the California State University, Chico, campus through defining appropriate goals and assisting in the development of effective organizational relationships.