Office of the President

Executive Memoranda 1983

List of Executive Memoranda (1983)
83-001February 16, 1983 Guidelines for Soliciting Extramural Funds and Gifts and for Administering the Campus Projects They Support; Supersedes EM 79-020 and 80-002
83-002March 17, 1983 Campus Procedures for Selection of Faculty Trustee Nominee
83-003May 16, 1983 Code of Students' Rights and Responsibilities; Replaces EM 77-002; Replaced by EM 92-006
83-004June 20, 1983 Policies for Long-Term Curation of Archaeological Collections from Non-University Sources
83-005August 09, 1983 Academic Program and Budget Committee; Supersedes EM 79-017/Superseded by EM 87-004
83-006August 10, 1983 Selection and Review of Academic Deans; Supersedes EM 81-008/Superseded by EM 92-019
83-007August 09, 1983 Student Grievance Document; Supersedes EM 78-009 and 80-007/Superseded by EM 86-011
83-008September 15, 1983 Policy for Patents and Copyrights; Supersedes part B #2 of EM 75-010; Also See EM 97-007
83-009August 18, 1983 Appointment of Department Chairs; Supersedes EM 79-011
83-010September 16, 1983 General Studies Program; Supersedes pages 11 - 13 of EM 81-004/Superseded by EM 86-004
83-011October 24, 1983 University Scholarship Program; Replaces EM 78-015/Replaced by EM 89-033
83-012November 02, 1983 Reciprocity for Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Certification; Supplemented by EM 85-008/Replaced by EM 89-005
83-013November 03, 1983 Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty and the Faculty Senate
83-014November 14, 1983 Advising Policy Document; Replaces EM 79-021
83-015November 29, 1983 Policy for Flying Flag at Half-Staff at CSU, Chico; Replaces EM 78-017
83-016December 05, 1983 Exceptional Merit Service Awards; Replaced by EM 84-007
83-017December 13, 1983 Information Systems Administrative Committee
83-018December 15, 1983 Selection and Review of Deans' Principal Administrative Subordinates; Superseded by EM 92-019 This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by EM 92-019