Office of the President

Policy on Commencement Exercises; Corrected Version 9/19/85

Executive Memorandum 84-005 September 19, 1985

From: Robin S. Wilson

Subject: Executive Memorandum 84-005, Policy on Commencement Exercises

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the Commencement Exercises Policy

A Commencement Policy Committee is created and charged with establishing, reviewing, interpreting, and amending the policies under which the annual commencement exercises are conducted. Early each fall semester, the Chair of the Commencement Policy Committee will report to the General Policies Committee on any changes in policy to be effected.

The Commencement Committee will be composed of the Chair of the Commencement Committee (chosen by the President), one representative chosen by the Faculty Senate, two representatives chosen by the Associated Students, a faculty member appointed by the Deans from the schools of arts and sciences (Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Sciences, Behavioral and Social Sciences), and a faculty member appointed by the Deans of the schools of professional studies (Communications; Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology; Education and Physical Education; Agriculture and Home Economics; Business).

Two commencement exercises will be held at the end of each spring semester on the weekend following final examination week.

Students graduating with honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude) and students receiving graduate degrees will be given special recognition. The names of all graduating students will be read.

Each commencement exercise will include a commencement speaker. The offices of the Faculty Senate and Associated Students will receive nominations for commencement speakers. The Chair or designee of the Faculty Senate and the President or designee of the Associated Students will prepare a consolidated list of mutually acceptable candidates, from which the University President will select the commencement speaker(s).

The Commencement Committee will inform faculty, students, staff, and parents, of proper decorum. The manner used to disseminate this information will be stated in the working procedures.

Faculty attendance requirements for commencement are contained in AA 78-21.