Campus Unit Reorganizations
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Campus Unit Reorganizations
After review by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Faculty Senate and the concerned campus units, the following reorganizations of campus units are approved:
1. An Institute for Liberal and Interdisciplinary Studies is created, replacing Area and Interdisciplinary Studies. The programs contained in the former AIP will remain in the new Institute, with the exceptions of the Center for International Studies, which will report directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs; the new Center for Ethnic and Women's Studies (see #2 below) will be housed in the new Institute.
2. The Department of Ethnic and Women's Studies is disbanded in favor of a new Center for Ethnic and Women's Studies, which will be housed in the Institute for Liberal Interdisciplinary Studies.
3. The Department of Social Work is merged with the Department of Sociology; degree programs administered by the departments remain independent.
4. Three new departments are created in place of the Division of Engineering: Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
Details of these unit reorganizations are on file in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.