October 2, 2023 - Nondiscrimination Resources and Reminder of Reporting Obligations
Dear Campus Community,
As part of Chico State’s efforts to consistently move toward a more inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment, we are sending this announcement to highlight policies, programs, and resources the University has in place to combat discrimination in all its forms.
There are a number of civil rights laws that prohibit various forms of illegal discrimination, harassment and retaliation (DHR), and the California State University (CSU) system has a Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation (Nondiscrimination Policy) to help guide our campus community. Not only does this policy prohibit discrimination under Title IX (gender- and sex-based discrimination), it also prohibits discrimination on the basis of Age, Disability, Genetic Information, Nationality, Marital Status, Race or Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Veteran or Military Status.
Most students, staff, and faculty are aware that, with few exceptions (PDF), all employees are obligated to report certain known or suspected policy violations, including instances of sexual misconduct and other forms of interpersonal violence. This message serves as a reminder of the vital bridge reporting can play in connecting our students and colleagues to the resources available to them.
The CSU Chancellor’s Office has published “Myths and Facts About Sexual Misconduct” (PDF) which includes a breadth of information including prevention tips and strategies for support. Additional information on reporting (PDF).
In an effort to keep these issues fresh in the minds of our campus community, we have annual training requirements to help ensure that everyone understands Title IX, other civil rights laws, and the reporting obligations that go along with those laws and policies. Mandatory student training provides the groundwork for our sexual assault and interpersonal violence prevention efforts, while staff and faculty training work as a complement to our student-centered training. This year, our returning students will complete a program focused on Bystander Intervention, and our newly enrolled students will complete a broad-based sexual violence prevention training. For all students, the courses offer tips and concrete steps that each student can learn in order to better recognize and respond to problematic behaviors.
The contact information for the Title IX Coordinator and DHR Administrator is included in our Notice of Nondiscrimination (PDF).
The Title IX webpage continues to be a great resource for questions related to what processes Chico State has in place to investigate claims under the Nondiscrimination Policy.
Remember, everyone has a role to play in preventing discrimination and violence.
Thank you,
Steve Perez