Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems

Introduction to Beekeeping

Course Dates:  June 17- July 11, Tuesdays 9-11 am

Registration Deadline:  6/10/2025

Fully online.

Faculty: Emily Helton served as a Research and Extension Technician at the University of Florida Honey Bee Lab for six years where she contributed to research on native bees, varroa mites, pesticides, nutrition, and more. She helped develop the University of Florida’s Online Master Beekeeper Program, wrote the book, “Expert Guide to Honey Bees & Beekeeping”,  and leads public education efforts at the Honeybee Discovery Center.

This course introduces students to the biology of honey bees (Apis mellifera) and provides a comprehensive overview of beekeeping practices. Students will learn about the life cycle, anatomy, behavior, and ecology of honey bees and explore essential beekeeping methods such as hive management, honey production, and disease control. The course combines theoretical and practical knowledge.

This class is available to be taken singly for continuing education purposes or general interest. It is an optional elective for the Technical Assistance Provider Certification Program(opens in new window).

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