Intro to Practical Beekeeping
Course Date: TBA
Registration Deadline: TBA.
In-person special event.
Faculty: Kevin Ward, a beekeeper with a lifetime of experience managing beehives and keeping bees for pollination, queen rearing, and honey production. He'll be joined by a guest speaker with expertise in keeping hives healthy.
Learn about the fascinating world of beekeeping. Whether you're a beginner or looking for advice on an existing hive, this event is perfect for you. Come and discover the basics of setting up your own hive, caring for bees, and harvesting honey as well as the importance of honeybees in our ecosystem.
Please bring your own veil! You can dress in what you are comfortable wearing around bees, this can be a bee suit, bee jacket or long sleeved shirt and pants.
This class is available to be taken singly for continuing education purposes or general interest. It is an optional elective for the Technical Assistance Provider Certification Program(opens in new window).