Silvopasture is an agroforestry practice that intentionally integrates trees, and pasture and forage crops into a single system for raising livestock. Research shows that pastures with trees sequester five to ten times as much carbon in biomass and in the soil as same-size operations that have no trees. They also provide multiple benefits to farmers in terms of providing shade for the animals and diverse food sources, added income through the production of nuts, fruit, timber, and forest products like mushrooms, improved soil fertility and biodiversity. The animals and land seem to be healthier with higher meat and dairy yields, and the farms are more resilient due to the diversity of income possibilities.
There are challenges in this approach, however, that require relearning how farming is done. In particular, it is important to incorporate managed grazing techniques(opens in new window) where the animals rotate through different sections of the land for true success.
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Mentor Farmers who integrate managed grazing with trees
These mentor farmers don't always call what they do "silvopasture" but they do use many of the same practices and have useful experiences to share about doing it right.
Burroughs Family Farms(opens in new window)
What is Silvopasture?
The USDA National Agroforestry Center, Forest Farming extension program, Virginia Tech, Cornell University and Paul Smith’s College have partnered to create a series of videos detailing silvopasture practices. In this video they take a look at three different farms to show how the practice can be adapted to best fit an individual’s goals.
Growing veneer walnut trees with mob grazing in the silvopasture.
Regenerative rancher Greg Judy shares his success with growing more forage for his livestock using these techniques.
Silvopasture Design Workshop—Live at Groundswell 2019
The session was chaired by Russ Carrington (Pasture Fed Livestock Association) and features Dr Jo Smith (Organic Research Centre), John Cherry (Weston Park Farms) and Emma Bird (Woodland Trust).
Science Literature
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