Other Resources
The mission of the Soil Health Institute is to safeguard and enhance the vitality and productivity of soils through scientific research and advancement. The conduct research on soil health and regenerative practices and team with other partners to bring on-farm and environmental benefits to scale for agriculture and society
In this new podcast from the Food & Environment Reporting Network hosted by Eve Abrams, the podcasters travel across the Midwest, talking to farmers about their strategies to combat climate change.
A collection of videos seeking to promote expert knowledge on soil biodiversity in environmental policy and sustainable land management to protect and enhance ecosystem services.
This 12 minute documentary by Peter Byck is a great introduction to regenerative grazing. It features regenerative ranchers Gabe Brown, Allen Williams, and Neil Dennis. They describe how hardship led to being willing to innovate and the great success they have had since.
In this video, Gabe Brown of Brown's Ranch in Bismarck, ND shares his experiences with regenerative agriculture and the importance of thinking systemically when it comes to farm or ranch management. Using multiple regenerative practices like no-till and cover crops, he is able to support a diverse array of farm and ranching enterprises that are both profitable and models of sustainability.
This comprehensive guide by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is heavy on scientific literature and references that make a clear case for each recommendation (including barriers to adoption that might need to be addressed). Topics include cover cropping, organic mulch, crop diversification, low or no tillage techniques, compost and other organic soil amendments, biological inoculations and earthworms, mineral fertilization, soil and water conservation techniques, grazing management and grassland restoration, and integrated approaches and stacked practices.
Could some of the tools of regenerative agriculture help with recovering the land after a fire? Watch this recorded webinar "Holistic Perspectives in Farm Scale Fire Preparedness and Recovery" to learn about prescribed burning on private land, dealing with fire-borne toxins and using mycoremediation in recovery, as well as native perspectives on using fire to tend to the land.
Regenerative agriculture uses the power of soil life to nurture more biodiversity, produce healthier food, and ultimately reverse climate change. In this Bioneers interview with Dr. Kris Nichols(opens in new window), she discusses how mycorrhizal fungi might be the key.
This well-done video explores the findings of the Jena Experiment that has been exploring the importance of biodiversity in grasslands in Germany for over 15 years. It is one of the longest running biodiversity experiments in Europe. Results showed that plant diversity increased microbial diversity, resulting in increased soil carbon. That, in turn, improved soil health, increased productivity, enhanced the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus, and improved soil water-holding capacity. The more biodiverse ecosystems proved to be most resilient in drought and other conditions possibly similar to what may be experienced as a result of climate change. Watch the Jena Experiment video now.(opens in new window)
The Soil Health Primer(opens in new window) created by the No Regrets Initiative is an extensive list of resources—articles, books, videos and podcasts—all related to soil health and Regenerative Agriculture. The primer is organized starting with the philosophy of embracing complexity (for example, biodiversity) in regards to sustainability. It then provides increasingly specific information about the ecosystem, regenerative practices, and even how to make a good living as a result.
In this video, Dr. Kris Nichols explains the symbiotic robust soil biological life system in biologically healthy soils. She discusses how we can use soil biology to improve soil health and improve agricultural ecosystems to be more resilient, more able to resist pests, and become more economically viable. Watch this video recorded at the 2018 Soil Health Summit in November 2018 now(opens in new window).
Charles Massy shares lessons learned and insights gained through his decades of farming experience and research on route to becoming a regenerative farming advocate. He explores how these methods not only help natural systems renew, it helps them self-organize back to health. It’s about healing and ultimately empowering nature rather than controlling and subjugating it. He believes this is the key to human health as well. Massy is a School Research Associate at the Fenner School of Environment & Society at Australian National University and the author of Call of the Reed Warbler: A New Agriculture, A New Earth. Watch the Charles Massy TedxCanverra talk now.(opens in new window)
Image by: Maria Koulouris, Used by permission of TedxCanberra.
Ray’s Soil Health Page on Vimeo includes 28 videos (as of 1/15/2019) by Ray the Soil Guy Archuleta. He’s passionate about soil, and that makes this collection of videos on caring for the land fun and interesting. Creation of this page is a collaboration by The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in South Carolina and the Earth Sciences and Resources Institute at the University of South Carolina (ESRI-USC). Visit the Soil Health Page on Vimeo now.(opens in new window)