Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar comprises Articulation, Degree Audit Program, Graduation Advising, Student Records and Registration, Systems, and Veterans Education and Transition Services (VETS).

We strive to serve our students, faculty, alumni, and staff as we facilitate student registration, update and maintain the integrity of the student academic record, produce transcripts, verify enrollment data for students, confer degrees, ensure accurate enrollment reporting, articulate student work from other institutions, and certify enrollment for veterans benefits.


Records Retention and Disposition Schedule

These schedules define the maximum retention period for records maintained at Chico State

CSU Fully Online

Students now have access to more online courses at another CSU through the online courses program(opens in new window).

Office of the Registrar Annual Report

Title IX information

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence(opens in new window)