Risk Management

Insurance Programs

Requesting Evidence of CSU, Chico Insurance

Risk Management is the office that is contacted when someone on campus needs proof of CSU, Chico insurance coverage.  This may be a request for "evidence of insurance" only, or for proof of insurance with a third party named as additional insured.  For either request you will need to submit a completed Request for CSU, Chico Evidence of Insurance form to Risk Management.  Our campus zip: 130, email: risk@csuchico.edu or fax number: 530-898-4513.  Please allow 7-10 working days for processing.

Inland Marine Insurance

Departments, colleges, or administrative units can purchase coverage for such items as:

  • Musical instruments
  • Fine arts
  • Art gallery exhibitions
  • Electronic data processing equipment
  • Laptops
  • Camera equipment
  • Other miscellaneous equipment for standard perils such as fire and theft

Foreign Travel Insurance Program

The California State University Risk Management Authority has negotiated a Foreign Travel Insurance Program for University faculty, staff, and students on University foreign travel. In order to obtain the insurance coverage and emergency assistance provided by this program, a copy of your completed travel request must be submitted to Risk Management prior to the intended foreign travel date. Please contact the Risk Management office for additional details. 

Insurance Coverage:

Foreign General Liability, Foreign Excess Automobile Liability, Foreign Workers' Compensation, Foreign Travel Accident & Sickness.  (Summary of Coverage) (PDF)  Prior to travel, check the CSURMA High Hazardous War Risk Countries List (PDF). Note: travel to War Risk Countries requires Chancellor approval. 

Assistance Services:

Pre-Departure Information, Travel Medical Emergency Services, Medical Evacuation & Repatriation, Emergency Travel Assistance.

Other Available Coverage:

Workers Compensation/Employer's Liability for Third Country Nationals or Local Nationals, Property (includes property in transit), Ocean Cargo Coverage (includes ocean or air shipments, import & export shipments, and warehouse to warehouse coverage).

  • Foreign Travel Insurance Rates Academic Year 24/25

    Number of Days                                      Per Participant/Per Trip

    1-15                                                         $60

    16-31                                                       $80

    32-90                                                       $145

    91-180                                                     $275

    191-270                                                   $335

    271-364                                                   $520

    365+                                                        Contact Risk Management