Our SLOs have undergone a significant revision over the last two years. We have taken our former standards (shown below) and updated them to align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). NGSS are the new K-12 science standards that have or are being adopted by the majority of states, including California. A cross-cutting concept that we focus on as a means for tying all of the Science disciplines together is Energy.
Current SLOs (AY 2016-17 & 2017-18)
Students graduating with a B.A. in Natural Sciences will be able to:
SLO 1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the DCIs in Physical Science (PS), Life Science (LS), and Earth and Space Science (ESS)
SLO 1.2: Demonstrate an understanding of the DCIs in Engineering, Technology and the Application of Science (ETS)
SLO 2.1: Apply the science and engineering practices to answer question (science) and come up with solutions (engineering)
SLO 3.1: Create standards-based lesson plans
SLO 3.2: Facilitate effective student interactions
SLO 3.3:Engage in evidence-based reflective teaching practices
Former SLOs (AY 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16)
Students graduating with a B.A. in Natural Sciences will be able to:
SLO 1.1: Describe and apply the concept of energy and its transformations in explaining natural phenomena. (Example applications: energy flow in ecosystems, effects of heat energy in Earth systems, Earth’s energy resources, etc.)
SLO 1.2: Describe and apply the concept that the atomic nature of matter determines the physical and chemical properties of all substances. (Example applications: chemical reactions, molecular biology, biochemistry, matter cycling in ecosystems and Earth systems, Earth’s material resources etc.)
SLO 1.3: Describe and apply the concept that natural systems change over time in predictable ways. (Example applications: biological evolution, geologic time, climate change, shaping the Earth’s surface, plate tectonics, human environmental impacts, stellar evolution, etc.)
SLO 1.4: Describe and apply the concept that the motion of objects is predictable. (Example applications: forces, motion of objects in the sky, molecular motion, the motion of light or seismic waves, etc.)
SLO 1.5: Describe and apply the concept that the types and levels of organization provide useful ways of thinking about the world. (Example applications: periodic table, cellular organization, structures and systems in organisms, ecosystem organization, organization of the universe, etc.)
SLO 2.1: Formulate and conduct scientific investigations.
SLO 2.2: Recognize the role of argumentation and peer-review in the scientific process and can engage in these processes with intellectual honesty, skepticism, and openness to new ideas.
SLO 3.1: Write a clear and concise explanation of a complex and puzzling natural phenomena.
SLO 3.2: Use questioning strategies to elicit an audience’s ideas about science concepts and help them examine, refine and restructure those ideas.
SLO 3.3: Design an appropriate learning activity that can lead an audience to a deep understanding of science concepts.