Course Materials
Course materials are now listed on the Class Schedule making it easier for students to view and purchase the material they need for their classes.
Students who have questions about how to purchase textbooks and other course materials should visit the Wildcat Store's Textbook FAQ or email the store at
Faculty must submit their materials list to the Wildcat Store for them to appear on the Class Schedule. The FAQ section on this page provides more information and some guidance for faculty about course materials.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need to make sure materials are listed on the Class Schedule?
Yes! Textbooks and additional course materials need to be listed on the Class Schedule to make sure Chico State remains HEOA compliant.
- How do I submit my required or recommended materials to this list?
The Chico State Wildcat Store is the official collection point for all course materials. Select Follett Discover in Canvas LMS or email them at to get started.
- Why is there nothing listed in the Textbooks section for my class?
The Wildcat Store has not received or finished processing your list of materials. If you want to follow up, email them at
- How do I view all the adopted course materials for my classes?
Faculty can view all their adopted course materials through the Follett Discover link in Canvas LMS.
- Why are there multiple versions of the book or E-book listed?
Different publishers offer different options for many titles, including paperback, hardback, loose-leaf, and digital. Many digital options are actually subscriptions lasting multiple time frames, and each will show up on this list. Students appreciate options in the availability of materials, and these options help cover a wide range of preferences and price ranges.
- Why isn't my Coursepack listed in the Textbooks section for my class?
If you are using a Coursepack, it must be cleared for copyrighted content through the Wildcat Store before its cost can be determined. Email them at to start this process.
- What is the difference between “No Textbook”, “No Store Supplied Materials”, or “OER Material”?
“No Textbook” means that there are no textbooks required for your course. Many “No Textbook” courses count as “Zero Cost” sections. Let the Wildcat Store know if yours qualifies.
“No Store Supplied Materials” means you are using materials not provided by the Wildcat Store. If you are using materials not provided by the Wildcat Store, you must send them a description of the product and the cost to remain HEOA compliant.
“OER Material” or “Open Educational Resources Material” means you are using materials provided by the publisher, author, or library free of cost. OER do not have to be listed, but can be through Follett Discover on Blackboard. Physical copies can still be sold in the Wildcat Store as “Recommended”.
- What is “ZCCM”?
ZCCM stands for “Zero Cost Course Materials” and is a CSU wide initiative meant to clearly communicate whenever the materials for a class are free of charge. The Wildcat Store can mark your class as ZCCM in Follett Discover if you let them know.
For more information on ZCCM, visit the ZCCM Overview page(opens in new window).
- What is the difference between “Required," “Recommended," and "Suggested" materials?
Required: this item is necessary for a student’s success in the course.
Recommended: this item may be helpful for students to succeed in the course.
Suggested: these items are often purchased with the required materials, or other students have found the item useful.
- How can I help students who have questions about ordering or finding materials at the Wildcat Store?
Send students to the Wildcat Store’s student FAQ, or have them email the store at