Academic Senate

Faculty Recognition & Support Committee (FRAS)

FRAS Membership 2024-25
Mina Hejazi, ChairAgricultureAGR2023-25
Qingyi LiSchool of Social WorkBSS2024-26
Stephanie MachadoPublic Health & Health Services Adm.BSS2023-25
Char MoffitEducationCME2023-25
Claudia Bertolone-SmithEducationCME2024-26
Synthia ShinMarketingCOB2023-25
Athena ZhangInformation Systems, Finance, & Accounting COB2024-26
Patrick BrittleConstruction ManagementECC2023-25
Elena HarrisComputer ScienceECC2023-25
Ayde Enriquez-LoyaEnglishHFA2023-25
Megan Glynn ZollingerMusic, Theatre, & DanceHFA2024-26
Michelle Mussuto LibraryLIB2023-25
Nicholas NelsonChemistryNSC2024-26
John Lind(fulfilling resignation)PhysicsNSC2023-25
VacantFaculty EmeritusEFSA()
Clare Van NessProvost Rep.HFA2023-25
TBDStudent RepresentativeAS()
       Award Recipients   2023-24 Outstanding Faculty...  Dept.Term
Michell Armeanu Academic Advisor Award SOCI2024-25
Layne Case Early Career Faculty Award KINE2024-25
No Recipient Faculty Service Award --
Peter Kittle Faculty Leader Award ENGL
Beth Shook Lecturer AwardANTH2024-25
Theresa Manley Lecturer in Bringing the Profession to the Classroom AwardCHLD2024-25
Ben Seipel Professor AwardEDUC2024-25
Kristen Gorman Research Mentor AwardBIOL2024-25
Lisa Kendhammer Teacher AwardCHEM---

Appointment: 14 faculty - two from BSS, BUS, CME, ECC, HFA, and NS and one each from AGR and LIB and the previous year's outstanding faculty award winners listed above.

Term: 2 years, staggered

Duties: See EM 23-016(opens in new window)

FRAS reports annually to the Academic Senate.

Outstanding Faculty Nomination Form (PDF)